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A member registered May 19, 2022

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Для всех тех у кого возникают повторы - проблемы вероятнее всего на стороне провайдеров, у меня были проблемы, но не конкретно с этим сайтом, а с другими, попробуйте (если у вас есть возможность) заходить через телефон используя мобильный интернет, а не домашний , если это помогает - то это провайдер, если нет - то пользуйтесь ВПН, сайт могут искусственно замедлять для Русских пользователей

(2 edits)

at the moment, 22:19 Moscow time - I can open a website without VPN or any other things , is that the case for everyone, or is it just me?

on 2IP - this is what shown after checking site accessibility

Yeah i understand, but I just can't stop trying to imagine how he managed to miss this generator ??? 

If you really don't know - in trailer on 0:46 on one of the sides should be i don't really remember exactly on which 

I'm sorry, what ???? You just joking right ??? That just has to be a joke, If you know how tf generators look like , then how in the world you missed the gen near the toilets ?????

in arcade - down left camera, appear at 4 am

i think for 0.1.0 - the lack of places to hide, the lack of variability in tasks is quite a logical thing. but with the doors and the speed of the character - I agree this is an extremely unpleasant thing, the speed is generally sad - if you don't keep track of the timers, and the animatronics come out - the tasks become impossible, there just isn't enough stamina to make a circle from the office to the toilet \ vending machine with condoms

Lol what 0_0 ??? i simply rashed towards the door and outraned her with ease