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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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Game blocking bug in the web version- I screwed around with exploring the wrong way on day 1. I missed all the flags for Nooks, and while he SAYS he will go to the "slime nests" I have confirmed a few times that the room with gears on the floor is the "dungeon" and he is nowhere to be found. I have tried breeding with slimes. I have tried losing to slimes. I have gotten to level 20 desperately trying to make Nooks spawn and get the stuff to make a 2nd level of the dungeon in hopes THAT works. Nothing.

Oh gosh, I second Zoo, and or aquarium, and or music venue and or stadium and or museum as a big set. I absolutely adore these and it makes me excited to try digital rpg storytelling through rpgm again.

I do hope to continue seeing amazing work from you!

Honestly, it's the every five minutes it calls me a man. Like the dude is probably a joke. But "You men are all about the same thing" etc etc etc And it's... pervasive. Being called Sir by the housekeeper. Comments about men liking dolls. Being called a man. Hells bells the only place it was fully flipped was the Dark Elf village. It is jarring and ruins the experience for me. 
A lot of stuff just- feels like it wasn't polished for the female side. 

>Perhaps there might be a way to turn it in yours and Asterion's favor, should you get the point where you're ready to take that step together...

HOT DAMN! I literally fist pumped over this.

Am sad no sneaky snek sex and not just because I am sometimes a scalie... But this MORE than makes up for it. 

I am never gonna be happier I took the contract specialty than when we get to that final update of the game and get that. :D 

So excited for the next parts!

(1 edit)

Any chance we can romance the sneaky snake? I tricked him and earned his delight with me. I very much liked that whole interaction with him. I now want to see him romancable if just because he IS so tricky and yet can enjoy being outwitted. 

Also may I just add that Orc Breeding was incredibly hot... is there any chance we could have an easteregg of male pregnancy in the game? More little white bulls, anyone?

Question, can we input the code and pickup where we left off on our best save? Or are we going to need to redo the whole thing?

thank you for at least being honest that it's minimal effort and that the female version is an afterthought? 

I mean it feelsbadman but at least you aren't trying to sugarcoat it. 

I love the game, but am kinda really sad that the MALE version has an android version. Any chance you will actually finish the female version? 

Looking a little... uneven here.

Eh when steam launch comes I might throw up one. I could use the nerd cred. Lol I am halfway to it with my text document of book locations to check off later for future playthroughs etc. Do one for books, one for paintings, one as a general walkthrough. 

If I could post one now on steam I probably would... it's that whole Frustration High but kinda like the game as a whole thing.

That seems like a good work around. I am still hunting the last book, as I found one in every area that opened besides the ruins, and am still looking for the last. Hopefully someone makes a guide once Steam launch goes live.

the painting specifically points to the first bush of the three, so I did not bother with destroying my entire garden. 

You may want to fix the positioning if the location does not reflect reality in the game. 

There was nothing under the rose bush and I found the other 3, Rock in water, roots of Tree, item in Tailor. So it must be a bug or something else needs to happen. Because there was nothing there. 

Ever wanted to reach through a monitor and smack a character?


Talk about an unhelpful bug. I am missing the 3rd part of the key schematics. I ask sherloli where to find the last painting. Only to get told "near the farm!" Like a giant TEE HEE. Look short stack, I *ALREADY* grabbed the chest you unhelpful pile of code and annoyance. 

So, dear dev, did I screw myself completely not stealing the painting in Rudolf's home, because it's not freaking letting me look at the painting with a magnifying glass, and everything else is a bust. Which yay closed paths you can never reopen if that's the case. *twitch* 

My frustration- very high.