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A member registered Jun 21, 2020

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Are you sure that all high-tier weapons require two hands? Because IIRC, the heavy sword doesn't... And with the other weapons, (bow and spear) the low-tier version already requires two hands, meaning that the master staff is indeed the only weapon for which it changes.

I never posted before, but I played s4p completely, including basically all major mods, same for this game and I absolutely looove it. Congrats to the dev(s?), especially the new class system is great! That said, I have a few suggestions and decided to get them all out of my system. I separated them into different topics for ease of use.

From my POV, the ‘templar’ class is pretty useless rn. According to its prerequisites and its abilities, it’s for characters that have high physics and wits, which are already rare. But more than that, there is also no more advanced class that has templar as its prerequisite, meaning it’s kind of a dead end. And since that is not enough, a character based on the ‘templar’ class also doesn’t get any armor, which is quite essential, especially for frontliners.

So, here are a few suggestions for changes to the ‘templar’ class:

Give it a prerequisite class Make the ‘acolyte’ class a requirement and lower the physics factor to average. That makes the entry point into lower, which is exactly what we want since we already need two factors.

Changes its properties Take away the ‘basic spellcasting proficiency for a ‘medium armor’. That way, it can hold its own when compared to other class options while remaining unique.

Give it an advanced class This would add even more incentive to make a templar. Paladin would (more or less) fit the bill, but I think a new class would be even better! This class should build on the strengths of the templar by granting the ability to wear heavy armor and ‘advanced spellcasting proficiency. With all three classes, you’d then have a heavily armoured mage that is also capable of basic combat.

Give it something unique Every class, especially every advanced class, profits from something to differentiate it from the others, like necromancer or soul eater. The ‘templar’ class (and maybe other classes based on it?) could buff MDEF significantly (or have a skill that does) since templars/inquisitors are well known for fighting mages.

I never posted before, but I played s4p completely, including basically all major mods, same for this game and I absolutely looove it. Congrats to the dev(s?) especially the new class system is great! That said, I have a few suggestions and decided to get them all out of my system. I separated them into different topics for ease of use.

While writing the topic about QoL improvements, I noticed that many were basically just automating tedious things. There was already an improvement compared to s4p with skills like ‘public humiliation’ so you don’t need to punish/reward each character individually. So I thought, why not apply this principle to more things? There are a lot of advanced classes that could definitely benefit from more comprehensive social skills, and it would also incentivize the player to have ‘officers’ that ‘manage’ his affairs, rather than do everything with his own character! I mean, I am theoretically aware that the productivity would benefit from me employing a foreman, but its just not tangible enough that I would actually make the effort, let alone also employ a head girl, a trainer, etc, etc.

So, here are some suggestions for what to automate, how to make it into abilities/skills and which classes should get them:


Auto fight Self explanatory, some form to automate combat, pretty sure s4p had it, but maybe that was just a mod. Especially in the late game, it's just so tedious... I imagine an ability that, when activated, just does a very simple version of combat, so you’ll still need to intervene if things get spicy. This would make a great ability for the ‘master’ or ‘ruler’ class, maybe a combat skill!

Auto sell/buy food Again, a pretty self-explanatory feature that s4p had. Even on hard mode, food was never a problem for me, and in the late game I had several thousands of food every couple of weeks I needed to sell. It could be either a passive ability (like auto selling and buying food every day so that there is 100 in store of every kind) or an active (social) skill that does something similar when activated. This would make a great ability for the 'chef' class or maybe a future class like ‘master chef’!

Auto-assign class/training/skill upgrades Basically three things that go into the same direction: Classes, skills, and trainings all require certain points (exp, sp and loyalty) you'll be swimming in, often already in the middle game. Leaving them unspent is wasteful, but spending them on the same things over and over again (especially trainings) is just so tedious and annoying. I am imagining abilities like ´spent all free points of one/multiple/all characters at this location on random available options’, one ability for trainings (maybe separated in main and sexual), one for skills, and one for classes (maybe separated into combat, labor and sex classes). The classes ‘headgirl’, ‘director’, ‘trainer’ and a few others appear especially suited for this!

Auto assign tools Okay, this has already been suggested and liked by many people, but hear me out: instead of just a button to click, it could be a social skill (‘assign all workers the tool most appropriate for their task from storage’), with a long cooldown to punish you if you make rapid adjustments because you planned badly. Also, it could just select a random fitting tool rather than the one of the highest quality, giving an incentive to sell outdated/poor-quality tools. The ‘foreman’ class would be great for this ability!

I never posted before, but I played s4p completely, including basically all major mods, same for this game and I absolutely looove it. Congrats to the dev(s?) especially the new class system is great! That said, I have a few suggestions and decided to get them all out of my system. I separated them into different topics for ease of use.

Here are some suggestions for quality-of-life improvements, I'll try not to repeat what others already said:


Display buyable classes Since its possible to see the details of each class before actually buying them at the guild shops, i dont see why they (and the fact that they can be bought) shouldn't be displayed with 'show locked classes' active. 

Move the forget button Maybe that's just a problem I have, but when I use the 'travels' screen from the mansion, I instinctively click the 'forget location' button wayyyy too often. Maybe it could be moved someplace else and/or made smaller.

Order custom slave In s4p (or maybe in a mod) there was a late-game feature that allowed you to order custom slaves/slaves of a specified race at a greatly inflated price. Especially for roleplaying, purposes (like playing as a collector of sorts) I'd love a return of this feature!

Display missing resources in the progress bar When there is a resource missing to craft an item, it would be great if the progress bar not only said that a resource is missing, but also which one, so that you don't have to go to the crafting menu before organizing how to get it.

Display resources in storage when crafting custom item When crafting a customizable item, the number of resources needed vs the number of resources in storage are never displayed right next to each other, unlike they are when crafting a non-customizable item. This should be fixed.

Unselect skills when selecting a social skill, you can only unselect it by pressing ESC, which is very unintuitive. I suggest that left-clicking the skill again unselects it.

Make journal available from the menu Making the journal available from the menu would just be a nice, helpful shortcut.

Make the menu more accessible Right now, the menu can only be opened in the mansion with a button. I propose that the ESC key should open it everywhere and that the journal button in all other locations besides the mansion should be replaced by a menu button (or maybe have it placed next to it). Also, a quicksave and quickload button/key would be nice.

Display slaves in Cities As it stands, in cities like the elven capital the present characters are not displayed as they are in dungeons or settlements. This generates confusion, hence I suggest adding an interface similar to the top left part of the interface in dungeons.

Skip button/key There should be a button or key to skip animations, especially text animations, and make the text appear instantly. The slow text animations in repeated scenes (like the guild masters) are incredibly annoying.

I never posted before, but I played s4p completely, including basically all major mods, same for this game and I absolutely looove it. Congrats to the dev(s?), especially the new class system is great! That said, I have a few suggestions and decided to get them all out of my system. I separated them into different topics for ease of use.

So, here are a few suggestions on changes to certain spells:


Different elements very differently strong This is more a pointing-out than a suggestion, since it may be intentional: Different elements are very differently strong. Light for instance has only two spells, neither of which is capable of dealing more than 100% MATK damage to a single target. This is very sad, especially since the ‘bishop’ class specializes in utilizing light spells.

Consume soul As I see it, this spell is basically useless, since you’d have to kill off your already trained slave. I suggest that consume soul translates a target’s classes into experience and awards said experience to the user. This way, it could work as a convenient way to dispose of caught slaves that have no other use (despite being sold for breadcrumbs or sacrificed for factor upgrades).

Turn undead Such a great, flavourful spell! Sadly, I can’t see any actual use for it… he only real benefit is the dark improvement, and there is only a single combat skill/spell with dark damage. Hence, I suggest buffing the spell with an obedience loss reduction, a health boost (zombies are hard to kill), and making it possible for the necromancer to affect themselves (liches are cool!) Oh, and it would be great if you could use it in combat on fallen allies (and maybe even foes)!

Healing: Sanctuary Healing is generally incredibly powerful. I could (mathematically!) demonstrate why, but all players/devs probably know it. By itself, this isn’t a problem. The problem is the spell sanctuary, which is available to all classes and makes every other healing spell entirely obsolete. I suggest either significantly debuffing it and/or making it the unique spell of bishop, and maybe druid.

Reincarnate/resurrect The two spells are great, I love them. The problem is just that reincarnate is bot easier to get (via shaman) and better than resurrect (health restored completely, no grave injury iirc). Also, resurrected targets often die from enemy damage before I can heal them… I suggest making targets of reincarnate still experience a grave injury, making reincarnate the exclusive spell of the class ‘druid’ and have resurrect restore 60% of max health.  

Fire/acid bomb These two spells (especially fire bomb) are just overpowered, there is no other way to put it. Everyone can get them and they are the strongest AOE attack spells by damage. All for the price of an unstable concoction, which can both be crafted easily with common materials and bought very cheaply from the mages. I suggest making them exclusive spells of the class ‘alchemist’ and making unstable concoctions more expensive to craft/buy.

Mass purge An advanced spell ike purge, but AOE. There are wayyyy too many spells/combat skills that create negative effects on multiple targets (like blizzard) and there is no effective counter for that.

(1 edit)

I never posted before, but I played s4p completely, including basically all major mods, same for this game and I absolutely looove it. Congrats to the dev(s?) especially the new class system is great! That said, I have a few suggestions and decided to get them all out of my system. I separated them into different topics for ease of use.

Here are some small, disconnected suggestions on how to improve the balance of individual things (mostly items):

Dragon bones and leather Great materials, absolutely love them, but wayyy too hard to obtain and too cheap (in gold). I suggest making them easier to get (in dungeons and maybe settlements) and increasing the price (in gold).

Blue moss For someone who loves crafting potions (like me) the supply of blue moss is simply too low. Especially when compared to the supply of salvia. Generally speaking, I would suggest a more reliable way to obtain it, at such a low price there really isn’t any reason against it.

Ink base While there is nothing wrong per se with this item, I’d love a way to obtain more of it quicker, like being able to craft it with very expensive materials (adamantine, dragon materials, etc) or obtain more of it as loot in dungeons.

Adamantine Adamantine is made from mithril (which costs 75 gold) and dragon bone (which costs 100 gold) in a level three alchemy lab and with lots of effort. How can it be worth only 100 gold when its materials already cost almost twice that? Also, it’s often a worse choice than dragon bone for crafting items, making it questionable to use the dragon bones to craft it in the first place. And finally, its actually easier to get adamantine than to get dragon bones (in dungeons and because dragon bones are only sold for insane, but justified 500 points by the fighters)! I suggest significantly buffing the properties of adamantine, at least doubling its price (200 gold) and making it harder or even impossible to get in dungeons. Alternatively, removing the option to craft it would be a possibility, since then it’s not really an upgrade from dragon bone, but just another resource.

Growth This may be intentional, but I find it extremely annoying that characters with good growth values are so rare. Especially since slaves you obtain early in the game are always better (more time to gain exp, sp, and loyalty), it’s difficult for slaves obtained later to catch up. This disincentivises players to catch new slaves all throughout their run and steals a lot of the fun of managing an ever-growing harem of sorts.

Master staff The master staff is supposed to be an upgrade from the normal staff, but it really isn’t (or at least not as much) because it requires two hands instead of one, meaning you can’t hold a shield or magic book at the same time. I suggest the master staff should also only require one hand.

More slaves I know this was mentioned already, but I still feel the need to point this out again: 30 slaves simply isn’t enough. In a quite similar game (free cities) I managed over 200! I suggest raising the limit to 50, that’s not an absurd number, but you have a bit more leeway.

Oblivion Potion Put simply, at the moment I cannot see why I would ever use this item since it’s just so bad. Hence, I would either improve it by making it selectable which classes are forgotten and/or give back a portion of the exp used to acquire these classes. Alternatively, a refined oblivion potion with better characteristics could be added.