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Trevolte Studios

A member registered Apr 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot! And yeah lol we will definitely add an auto-restart feature to the game in the future, I agree it needs it!

Thanks! Glad you liked the puzzles, we had a lot of fun coming up with them. We also do plan on making it a full game with a lot more content!

Also yeah we thought of an undo button but didn't have time to implement it. Definitely will have it for the future though.

Oh wow, yeah so I definitely will do that for the next game I make. Thanks so much!

Thanks for playing! And yeah, we wanted it to be very simple control-wise so it was easy for everyone to just pick up and play, so I'm happy that worked out.

Also I really like your suggestion of an auto-restart feature. I hadn't thought of that before but that makes a lot of sense to add!

Yeah, I will admit that I realized that the movement was a little too fast as I had some of my friends play the game after we submitted it. Will definitely change that for future versions, but thanks for the feedback and I'm happy you liked the concept! We do plan on making it a bigger and more fleshed-out game.

Interesting to see you had a similar idea, and I'm happy it was fun!

Also, this is the first game I've actually published and exported from Unity so I wasn't entirely sure how to upload to WebGL. Is it just another build option or do you need to do something else to make it work? Thanks for the suggestion, though, and I'll definitely look into it for future projects!

Super interesting idea! Definitely a challenge to make the enemies not hit the guy you are attached too, but its really fun to play! Also the music is soo nice to listen to, like I would listen to it outside of the game on my own time. Overall really cool submission!

Haha yes I knew it would work! We thought of that when we were coming up with puzzle ideas and thought it would be too funny not to add. I'm glad you liked it, and I will definitely check your game out of course!

Thanks! Glad you liked it :)

Really clean visuals that makes it really clear how the game works. The collision is a bit wonky but obviously that can be tweaked with more than 48 hours lol. Great job though this was a good submission!

(1 edit)

I really like the look and feel of this game! The music and sound effects were also super fitting and made a really relaxing mood. I made a game similar to this for the jam so seeing this slightly different direction was really interesting!

Cool idea! Simple concept that is hard but fun.

Didn't get it at first, but once I did it was actually kind of fun to play. Good job!

Thanks! And yeah we wanted to add an undo button but ran out of time. Instead we focussed on puzzles and polishing the game over other mechanics.

Thanks! We tried to explore the mechanics as best we could with all the puzzles, so I'm glad it was fun!

Haha I believe in you! Thanks for playing!

Glad you had fun! And yeah, if we had just a couple more hours we probably would have tried to make some sort of undo button. If we develop the game further that would definitely be one of the first things we add.

Thanks so much!

Couldn't get the game to run :/. It opens a window but the screen is black and then it closes itself after a few seconds. I assume you may have forgotten to add some files to the .zip or built the .jar file with the wrong settings. Not sure, just my guess from past experience. Hopefully you find out what the problem is!

Super fun puzzle game! I would legitimately pay money for this game if I saw it on Steam or something like that for a dollar or two. Looks and feels very polished!

Man I was hoping for a story....haha

Super sick art and the concept of the characters all moving differently was a fun puzzle mechanic! Really cool idea!

Super fun to play and looks awesome!

Love the feeling of the game, its smooth and I don't feel frustrated when I fall all the way back to the start. Its challenging but rewarding every time you reach the next platform!

Love the feeling of the game, its smooth and I don't feel frustrated when I fall all the way back to the start. Its challenging but rewarding every time you reach the next platform!

Love the puzzles, they use the mechanics very nicely! Felt good to solve them which is what you want to see. Anyone else have a problem with the game running though? I had like 3 FPS the entire time while playing, not sure why. Still enjoyed though :)

I love this! Super fun to play by yourself and with someone else. Really cool idea. The only thing that would make it better is maybe more enemies or something else that happens while playing the game, so its not just the same thing over and over.

I love this! Super fun to play by yourself and with someone else. Really cool idea. The only thing that would make it better is maybe more enemies or something else that happens while playing the game, so its not just the same thing over and over.

Didn't know humans were that sticky....nah but for real this game is super cool and looks awesome!

Didn't get it at first, but once I did I had fun with it! Love the art too it looks very original!