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A member registered Aug 21, 2021

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I accidentally blew up the oil settlement at the end instead of the intended delivery site due to forgetting my cargo in my rush. I'd give this game a score of 1 super fast delivery tank out of 10

Something with updating my Steam controller profile seemed to possibly do the trick! Didn't expect that to do anything, but now I can play and kiss girlfriend to my hearts content <3

That didnt appear to work! Ive tried about every option so far, so I think my next option is to just play it on another PC

A little bug that I haven't been able to troubleshoot has been with the keyboard inputs, where the up key seems to be registering as constantly stuck, and changing the keyboard inputs in the F1 menu doesn't seem to be working. 

Is there any user-side fixes for that?

All the work it takes to port a PC game onto mobile definitely justifies the 5 dollar price tag! Great work!