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A member registered Aug 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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she just like me for real!

All joking aside, I approve of this short visual novel as an accurate portrayal of our struggles. I have trouble playing VNs because I get nervous whenever I have to make hard choices, but the three times I've played one through to the end, I haven't regretted it at all!

I know nothing about Saint Seiya, but I can still tell how much effort was put into this and how much of a fan the devs must be.

For some reason, Chaingear's super has a different name in-game than it does in the movelist. Not sure how intentional this was.

There are a lot of easy safespots, some attacks seem to be toned down from regular LLS, and I managed to beat Lunatic Extra with 2 misses and 1 bomb. For comparison, I've never gotten close to beating regular LLS Extra. I also feel like a lot of content (spells and stage portions) was cut, and while I can understand NES limitations for some of those, there are others that were seemingly cut for no reason. Many attacks also seem to fly by too fast.

Overall, however, I did enjoy the experience. I hope some of these issues can be fixed, but if they can't, I understand.

I found a bug where at some point, attacks just stopped being able to hit, so it either turned off hurtboxes, hitboxes, or both. I'm not sure which, because I didn't have hitboxes displayed while the bug was active. It fixed itself upon entering Enhance Mode.

(5 edits)

-Battle animations are rough. I am a terrible artist, so this needs fixing later.

-Save files from older versions might not be compatible with newer versions. 

-SR Points are broken.

-If the Transform command shows up on "Stubby", DON'T USE IT. It will crash your game.

-Getting Game Over on Stage 4 causes the reinforcements to not appear. I call this mercy since you won't have to deal with those annoying little Hildreths.

-The game tends to lag during long Enemy Phases.

-The game softlocks when Aoji battles Clause with animations on in Stage 5.

-New Game+ is broken at the moment.

-The Bazaar doesn't show up if Skip Cutscenes is turned on.

-I may have gone a bit overkill on difficulty in some places *cough* Stage 6 *cough*, so I might need to tone it down so that it's fair.

My first run clear! Definitely an improvable time.