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A member registered 34 days ago · View creator page →

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Lots of great playable elements in your prototype. I wonder if the feel could be improved by constraining camera movement on the y-axis? It doesn't seem like it needs to follow the character when it jumps.

Core gameplay loop/feedback loop is clearly stated and the idea of the tradeoffs between the eco-friendly and consumerist options appears to be the core conflict. It will be interesting to see how the balance develops. Also, it would be interesting to see if consumer and market trends will change as the game progresses (fluctuations in demand for fossil fuels, cost of fossil fuels and electricity).

I'm assuming the project page's cover image is representative of the art aesthetics, but more clarity on that would be good. In my mind, I'm imagining a game like Overcooked, but it takes place in a gas station instead of at a restaurant/kitchen.