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A member registered Aug 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for commenting and for the kind words! <3

Haha, 2030 is gonna be our year. 🤞

Thank you for these sweet words! I'm glad the game spoke to you :)

Hi! The answers aren't pre-written. Instead, players get opportunities to establish clues and connections as they play, and eventually combine those small truths into one of the larger answers: who did it; what was their motive; and how did they pull it off?

The mystery can be developed procedurally using the rules in the book, or you can use one of the 9 quick-start settings to establish the world and case. Each quick-start has illustrated leads you can print and pin to your cork board as you play.

Let me know if there's anything else you have questions about! Thanks for checking out the game :)

Thank you so much! We hope the first game is a success! <3

I think there's a working download button at the top of the original Questlandia page when logged in (see screenshot below). If that's not the case for you, drop us an email at and we'll send the files directly. Sorry for the trouble!

Sorry about that—we put the first edition game's page on "restricted" instead of public but unlisted. I think you should be able to download it now, but let me know if you have any troubles. :)

The intention was to write about both, and include a feeling and detail somewhere in there - not necessarily even strictly related to activities.  ("After working at the bakery, I spent the evening hours with Monique. It would have felt normal, except for the roiling unease in my stomach. I tried and failed to ignore the sky.")

I think any and all of your proposals would work just fine, though! Thank you for playing and asking :)

Hi, Evan here, thanks so much for getting the game!

Playing with more than 4 players is definitely doable, it just changes the game's balance in a few ways. Before I mention those, you could avoid the issues by having some players play jointly, using a single character sheet, making decisions and roleplaying together. Holmes and Watson, Thelma and Louise, partnered police, an old retired couple - any team that will work together and share stats.

If you instead go with additional individual characters, the game won't actually be too much longer. The main thing to keep in mind is that every player will have fewer turns in the spotlight. That might mean they don't have enough airtime to give their character a satisfying arc. Your group can mitigate that by including more player characters in each scene, and giving them space to play and evolve even when they aren't in the spotlight.

Another effect is that the damage of the case will be divided between more players - so each individual character won't get as bloodied or broken by their investigation. You could just accept that, and play a gentler, easier game. If you'd rather keep things rough, try this: After character setup, for each player beyond the fourth, have every character take one damage to one of their four stats. Choose any stat except the lowest (or tied for lowest).

Thanks again, and please feel free to reach out if any other questions come up! Best of luck on the case! 🕵️‍♀️

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Hi, thank you for the comment!

When we made the game, our goal was to present thoughts in the way they might occur to the sleeping astronaut, dreaming a mix of their computer’s interface and their own reflections. The “choices” sometimes lead to a second thought, but often have no impact other than deciding how you feel. It’s also valid to review the thoughts and make no choice at all. That’s sometimes how it goes in dreams.

We may have fallen short of that goal and just made something confusing. But we deeply appreciate your engaging with it, and that you still enjoyed some elements of it! Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts :)

Thank you for sharing this dream of thorns and trail magic. I'm glad we created something that may have indirectly inspired it! :)

That's wonderful! You have our permission. Please do share with us and we'll include those files here too. You can email :)


Just saw this comment now, Kalum! Thank you so much. :D

Wow, thank you so much! We're beyond flattered!

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Thanks Michael. We're really excited to have more to share!

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Thanks for these thoughts! We're looking forward to the longer campaigns that the sequel will allow.

Hi Homegrown, If you can expand on that feedback that would help us and others. There's a second edition being created and more polish is a little vague. Was it the rules that seemed like they needed polish? The editing? Thank you. :)