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A member registered Aug 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, its like minion rush where you slide back and forth. There's essentially 3 channels that you can go in.

This was a funny game, I liked the art and sounds, especially the gasp when pulling a gun on an innocent.  The only thing I would want is a bit more time to process before cutting to the game over screen.  There were a couple times when I apparently shot an innocent person but I had no idea how to tell because it immediately cut to the game over screen.  Very minor piece of feedback for an overall hilariously fun game.  Congrats!

This was a fun relaxing game.  It was a cool twist on the usual grapple game.  I liked the visual glowy style.  While I was playing I was thinking that it would be really cool if the glowing color switched over time (like slowly morphed from blue to purple to red to go through the rainbow as you played).  Overall this was super fun!  Congrats!

This was a really fun play!  Definitely very polished.  I love the art and music style as it really fits the vibe of the game.  I do agree with someone else's comment about the upgrade cards feeling a bit off and a escaping the jam theme a bit.  I think that the cards could be improved by making it more obvious that they have done something.  Most of the cards were minor changes to invisible stats (things like probability or speed) and it was hard to notice a difference or feel like they substantially impacted the game.  Other than that, this was a truly fun game with really impressive design.  I can't wait to see future iterations!  Congrats!

This was a fun and simple concept.  The music contributed to a relaxing feel and the visual style was minimalistic and intuitive.  I wonder if there is a more clear way to signal which way the cube is facing (I found the slightly highlighted arrow was not clear enough) because quickly switching directions could be very disorienting.  I understand that it adds to the challenge, but I found it more frustrating.  That and the obstacle problem that others have mentioned are really the only pieces of feedback that I have because on the whole, this was a really fun game to play!

That's a smart idea!  Thanks for playing the game :)

Yeah, I am thinking of how to make that easier in future updates.  Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing my game!  Yours was a lot of fun too!

This was a pretty fun game!  I really liked the music and I think its a cool concept.  I would recommend changing the character's collider a bit because I would often die because I just barely touched the corner of a platform instead of landing on top of it.  Other than that, this was a fun play!

This was super fun!  I loved the relaxing music and the character is really cute.  I wonder if there is a way to better signal which segments do what, like if the black one had obvious spikes or the red one had really hard rock with a no drilling sign.  On the other hand, that might compromise the simplistic visual style so I am not sure.  That's a super nitpicky detail as I eventually did figure out the platforms functions.  Overall, this was a really great game!

Wow!  This was a super relaxing game.  I loved the music and visual style.  One suggestion I would have is to make the gameplay a bit smoother by increasing the glide distance and continuing to glide even when rotating.  Other than that, this was a super fun play!

I liked this game!  I feel like a gradual speed increase and maybe more interesting twists (like bonuses or automatic death traps) could make the gameplay better.  I liked the audio and the simplicity of the visuals (although I think the color scheme could have been better).  Overall tho, considering the short amount of time this is pretty amazing and you should totally be proud!

Dang thats a better score than I could ever get (although I am not very good at actually playing any games).  Also I rated your game it was super cool!

This is a pretty cool game!  I think the visuals and audio are pretty cool and I am also a fan of the menu.  I think you could make the game play a little bit better pretty easily.  I would increase the default difficulty because 2 is waaay to easy.  But also it would be nice if you had more tracks to add some variety.  Overall tho, its a pretty cool mechanic and its fun to play!

I played your game its pretty cool!  Thanks for playing mine.

Nice game!

Also, since my last comment I have played this game obsessively and realize now that it is not actually hard I was just doing it wrong.

Just realized I said music instead of audio in the comment.  I really liked the explosion sounds and also the beeping because it actually was important for the gameplay (knowing what you were typing out). Honestly have no idea how I was that braindead when writing this comment but sorry for the confusion.

Cool game!  I really liked the core concept with the queue of different button functions.  However, the game also had some confusing aspects and sometimes was too slow.  Even though I think it could be enhanced, it was still really fun to play and a really cool game overall!  Nice job!

Thanks so much for playing!  Also btw I really liked your game!

Thanks so much for playing!  I played your game too, it was pretty sweet!

Cool game!  Nice job!  I especially love the visuals this game looks so good!

This was super cool!  Not the most traditionally fun in my opinion, but I ended up playing it for a while because it was so creative and intriguing.  The artwork and music is stunning and this is probably the most creative game in the jam.  Well done!

This was a cool game!  I personally found it a little slow at times (the player was physically slow and sometimes enemies took a really long time to kill).  But overall, the game was pretty creative in tackling the one button theme, and I found it pretty fun.  Nice job!

This was a cool game!  I liked that you had different characters you could play as.  One thing that could make it more fun would be checkpoints (or maybe there were but I was too bad to get to them lol) because after restarting the level many times the beginning part just seemed tedious.  I think its a cool game and it definitely fits the jam theme!  Nice job!

This is a cool game!  I think the visuals are cool and the gameplay is creative.  Nice job!

Thanks so much for playing!  Your game is super cool too!

This was probably just a me problem but I was really confused about how to play.  I tried so hard to figure it out because it seems like a really cool game.  Your visuals and audio was really cool and the idea of the game seems super fun.  I just also didn't totally understand how to make the gun shoot which made it a bit hard for me lol

This is a good (but hard) game.  I had a lot of fun playing it even though I could never last more than a minute (I am really bad at playing games).  I found it really interesting that our games had really similar mechanics (click to shoot, hold to dash) and yet they feel pretty different and unique.  I love the minimalist style and super fun audio.  Well done!

I am in love with this game!  The graphics and audio are really pleasant, and the game play is super unique.  Sometimes its hard and it can be frustrating when the black hole sucks you just a little too much and you miss, but its totally in a good way.  There are so many cool features and it feels really polished.  Amazing job!

The music and the color scheme are so perfect for this game.  It was also pretty fun to play.  Nice job!

The first time I played this it was fun, but not super interesting.  However, since then, you added the yellow paper and I think that was a really smart idea because it makes it much harder and you actually have to think about what you are doing.  Its a fun game and a silly concept.  

Also, this may be just me because I see a lot of people praising the audio, but I didn't really like the shooting sound.  It was super loud and really annoying after a while.  Maybe try a softer sound and some light music?  Again tho you got a lot of praise from other people so maybe don't just listen to me lol

Anyways great game!

I rated!  Would you mind playing our game?  This is the first ranked jam my brother and I have competed in and we would greatly appreciate your feedback!

This seemed like a really fun game, but there were a lot of bugs that made it hard to play.  I am curious as to why you added the player in the first place, because that made a lot of the glitches.  I feel like it would be cleaner if you just moved the ball (and I think the code would also be simpler).  However, the visuals and audio were pretty sweet and the game concept seemed pretty fun.

Thanks for playing!  I rated your game too, it was pretty fun!

This is a pretty fun game!  It's not complicated and its fun to play.  Also the simplicity of the red and blue color scheme is really nice.  If you do work on it in the future it might be nice to have a high score feature so it feels like getting coins is more important and maybe some more interesting twists and obstacles to make the game stand out from others like it.  However, for a one week jam this game is pretty sweet.  Amazing job!

Thanks so much for playing and thanks for the positive feedback!  I loved your game as well!

This is such a cute and relaxing game!  I loooove the music its so sweet.  The game itself wasn't super hard, but not in a bad way.  It was the perfect casual game and I had a lot of fun playing it.

Also btw your game was super cool and I was really glad to have played it

Thanks for playing!  You can blame the difficulty on my fellow dev Tigerex who is much better at this game (and all others) than I am.