Cool game. Im not a big fan of this type of games so I dont have much to comparte too, but it was nice! Managed to take the capital after using all the cards that came in four territories that were kinda close and had many people. It took me some time to find out each post had a certain efficiency though haha. Once you understand how the game works, its pretty easy I think haha
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Beautiful game, the graphics are very cool and fits the game also very well! The intro was amazing too hahaha. The dash thing made me confused though. I got the green weapon thing which I didnt really like, it was impossible to kill spiders with that thing and the arena ended up filled with cobbweb haha.
Sorry for the late review xD
The idea is nice, but the game starts out of nowhere haha
There's nothing explaining the commands so I didnt know if I could do anything besides swinging my sword of the left mouse button too.
The graphics are really cool though, Id love to play it again if you decide to conitune the project :D
India! I see. I asked cause it was written "give X damage" in the "how to play", which is not very common. But Im from brasil and here we "damos dano" (which translates to give damage) too haha. Im not sure if its wrong since its not my mother language, but usually they(english speakers) say "do damage" or "cause damage" so I thought maybe you were brazilian xD
Beautiful game! Even the UI was beautiful haha. The difficulty scales alright, the only thing I didnt like was the movement. Since its a car its kinda difficult to move exactly how you want to. I think it turns right and left too quickly. Maybe if it was a person or robot shooting would be better?
Also, I tried passing through those red and green tiles and couldnt understand what they do haha
Where are you from btw?
Great game! Im a huge fan of space bullet hell games haha. Your game has a very good difficulty ladder (I mean it scales in a good way haha), but it would be good if you had explained what the ability did beforehand haha. The boss spaceship (I think it was the boss right?) was very cool too, though its third mode was kinda impossible I think?
Hey! Thanks for the rating. I saw your reply that day and called my borther to play it again. This time we could understand it better. The idea of making a 2 player game was really good, though many people wouldnt be able to play, we had a lot of fun competing against each other playing yours haha. We get really competitive in this kind of things so we played it for like 30 minutes? idk
thank you :D The idea of making such prject was to go a little bit crazier than I normally do. The plan was to have a boss actually instead of just a bunch of goblins in the last level.
About the cursor thing, thats new for mem! Thanks for telling me, I'll deffinetly take a look :D
just rated yours btw. Im a little late on the ratings hah
Cool game. I've got to say Im not a big fan of the genre but it I had a great time
The only problem I found was that the camera didnt frame everything at the same time. And also I maybe some marks on the floor to sinalize where you have to be exactly to interact with each machine
Besides that, I like it :D
Great game! Its turned based but the turn is so short you have to quick think the entire way. Had a lot of fun, though one of my goblins just wasnt atacking anymore and ended up dying :(
Also some AIs took ages to decide their actions, but besides this little bugs, 10/10
The game was kinda easy though xD
The game looked to cool, I called my brother to play, we spent like 5 minutes in the tutorial trying to figure out what was going on, but in the end we couldnt understand it. Like, the player one could go to red cars, but sometimes Id shoot a red car and my brother ended up wining (?) same for him.
Im sorry, we couldnt play it for real in the end :( please I need ratings xD
Also leave a comment, I'll deffinetly rate yours
Fun game foor sure. The mechanic where if you get near the right edge it seems like there's more wind or something is really cool! Took me sometime to understand I had to jump over enemies to score points and once I started trying it I kept losing lifes because the timing needs to be near perfect. But didging all the bullets and ships was pretty fun :D
Also why is there a frog flying on a cloud and being attacked by spaceships??
Took me some time, got a little angry, but at the end I coul beat all the levels :D
The car is tooo hard do controll, and sometimes the ground in front of me would fall waaay before it probably should? Also those bridge things are too hard to pass by. besides that, no complainments, it fits the theme very well, the graphics are cool and the idea is craaazy awesome xD please take a look :D
Also leave a comment so I remember to rate yours
Very cool game, Although I thought it was too easy. First thing I did was to go to the red door out of curiosity and managed to beat the boss only taking one hit. After that I restarted it and tried the other doors. Beat every single room and still only had money to buy one thing from the market thingy, also got a boot on a treasure room xD
If it was a bit more challenging it would be perfect, please continue working on it :D
Leave a comment so I remember to rate yours :D
Seriously though, if you could make them spawn a little bit less in the begining and then raise it up gradually, it would be awesome!
The game is cool, the art fits veery well and so do the vfx, which is not easy to do at all xD
(Also plz rate my game too, mine is a kill the goblins instead of kill the orcs haha)
Awesome game! For me it would be 10/10 if it wasnt for the extreeme difficulty. Tried all the levels,. The first one takes too much to start id say, and once those blocks come from both directions, along with the lasers in the middle... is it really possible to beat that?
Level 2 seemed easier, but the lights in/out made it too hard
The boss level was impossible once it began to move
Also, i think the screen shake was too rough.
Besides the screen shake and the difficulty, 10/10, or in this case, 5 stars
Managed to make my investors happy two times, I think they are proud xD
The idea is super cool but the movement was suuuper hard. The game was pretty easier once you figure out there are jus to many ships to destroy at once and they are waaaay slower than you haha
I love space ship fights so this one was a great experience!
Interesing game! Loved the idea, but it was too hard to hit the enemies. I dont know If I was just missing every shot or if they were able to tank hits, but in the end I had to spam shot to kill them. The fact that you have to go to title screen and see the animation (which was pretty badass first time) to restart the level is kinda boring. Managed to clear 4 rooms but it took several tries xD