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TwinFlame Interactive

A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Requirement : A developer/team who knows what hes doing according to the GDD / plans.
Contact me through Instagram : TalesOfNexi

(2 edits)

Went through them, those look amazing and fit great!! Thank You so much!
Are you planning to make an horizontal mode for the vertical maps in the future?

Yes that would be amazing too! Thank you so much!!
Email :

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One suggestion for the button Watch Video, can you make one more where the word Video is replaced with Ad, it will help people who are making games for children too. Google play asks the button to say that XD

Make sure to upload a browser(WebGL) version of your game too its really easy to put it on itch_io! (Try compression method as Gzip if the other one doesnt work)
Thank you so much for playing my game<3

Yes I have planned to include like 10 epi's + an auto generated leaderboard mode in this game,
once my work on "Merge me Senpai (Play store)" achieves stability in level count.
Thank you so much <3

Question for migrating from v2.6 to v2.7,
Do we just drag drop the package? or do we have to do some changes in the code too.

The classics of hypercasual! Nice selection of idea! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Climbing Mount Chillad (GTA SA) vibes! Well made! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Nice selection of special effects! Nice idea for a game jam! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Cool little concept! Well Made!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Good one!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Woah Woah!! Good one!! Nice selection of assets!! Loved the Jumpscare!![Review based off Gameplay Video]

Cosmic Defender to your rescue!! Well made!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Dont judge a book by its cover moment :) Great idea! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Cool little Hypercasual style game! Well Made!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Good one!! Nice work with the enemy Ai!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

(1 edit)

Great job with the World Design! It gives a soothing effect! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Didnt expect a game based off Gyro!! Good one!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Great selection of visuals!! It brings a whole new feel to the game!! Well made!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Well made!! When you jumped over the skele I though you gonna do Mario smash on it xD !! Great game!![Review based off Gameplay Video]

Grown up Wall-E protecting the plant he saved XD Nice visuals and mechanics!! [Review based off Gameplay Video]

Nice little clicker!! Set up your itch page of your game too :)
[Review based off Gameplay Video]

Imagine if you got a closeup jumpscare glimpse of her after the last text of the game plays XD, Well Made!![Review based off Gameplay Video]

Nice concept! Just like 2 dots , Well made!! Nice selection of music [Review based off Video]

Really cool and unique concept for a game jam! Well Made! [Review based off Video]

This was a cool little experience! Nice selection of assets! Well Made!!

That was a real cool experience! Well Made!

Cool set of minigames! Perfect for a jam! Good Job B-)

Imma be honest, thats cool stuff what you did right there!! Well made!!

Stands true to the name xD
Was a nice and smooth experience, wasn't able to interact with the shopkeeper using E, I wanna try that out, lemme know if that's working, I will retry :)

Loved the asset's selection, though the sword could have an option to cover more surface on hit instead of using the crosshair.  Nice selection of Gameover music XD

Thank You Bhavesh ! I am glad you liked it!!

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1.For the LeaderBoards: I got that froze due to many requests error log.

Does this error occur in the - 15$ version of the creator too? Are there any more advantages of that version except the ones that are listed onsite?

2. Also will it carry the same keys/ will the keys change for the premium version?

(2 edits)

The Work is really amazing and have been a great asset to my Game!

I would like to tell you this -
When there's no network and I play the game - Inside Unity Editor
it gives me Debug.LogError and Pauses the Unity Editor-Playmode. Is there a fix for this inside the settings/the leader-board script in this case?

LeaderboardCreator] Failed To Connect

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)

Dan.Main.LeaderboardCreator:LogError (string) (at Assets/LeaderboardCreator/Scripts/Main/LeaderboardCreator.cs:270)

This stops the unity editor - playmode

Also can you help with this - suppose the server is down and I want display it on screen, which method shall I call from your script that will help me return those value. ThankYou!

JDSherbert!! Guess What, we are now live on the Play Store!! and there are Leaderboards too!! Thank you for the wonderful music!!