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A member registered Oct 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! This means a lot to us!

Thank you so much for making this jam and for playing our game! See you next jam!

dont worry about it :) all good!

sorry about that, ill fix that bug asap

FINALLY MADE A GOOD DRINK but the spit it out really got me. This is cool!!

It brings back 90s games, retro + the music! Love it :)

The gameplay and mechanics are really nice! Well done :)

Apreaciated it! Thank you for your this :D 

We're trying to fix some stuff around this but your feedback is very much appreciated. Thanks for the support!

(2 edits)

I'm sorry about that, we really didn't add the audio cause we lack the time to add it to the game, and since it's also our first time joining the game jam. But we really appreciate your comment :) thank you so much

Basically your fruit count is your life count and also your bullets to kill the enemies :)

its a very fun game, love the music and effects, also the camera shacking is pretty cool too

unique concept, love your game :D

Yeah im looking for the animation also, tree and the stone

thanks in advance :)

i've DM you on twitter for questions, hope you will see them :)