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Owen Tyoe

A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Your score is displayed at the top (and still isn't accurate because it jumps a small amount after the fade animation for some reason), I didn't write anything to keep track of a leaderboard because of time constraints.

Instead, the current high score belongs to Capt. Edward Smith -  I should've made it more clear but I wasn't trying to be so on the nose...

Thanks for the input, I agree I would like more challenge, I might add a difficulty scaler so that the longer you are playing the iceberg spawn frequency increases...

As for the random death: it is supposed to be an endless scroller, but it was a mistake in my code for the icebergs.

Initially, they are all generated (at a fixed y position above window) with their x position, rotation, and scale randomly generated, but my RNG for the scale could go from 0.0 to 10.0, so that you could in theory hit an infinitesmal iceberg and die seemingly at random.

I have now set a lower limit > 0, so this shouldn't be an issue in the latest update - thanks for making me aware of this!


(1 edit)

I uploaded a few days ago, when I did, the question "Do you agree to the terms and conditions of submitting your game to this jam?" had only blank options to select from. It seems to be working now, so for anyone else this happened to, if you edit your submission, it should now give you the option to select Yes. 

Hope this helps anyone who had the same issue!