As far as I can tell, because I had the same question, season # means nothing as of yet. Near/after season 2 is complete they'll be packaged and sold separately.
Recent community posts
Just half a year ago you said, "I have a very high grade pc one that's just a step below the ultimate pc I haven't seen this issue pop up for me in the slightest but i understand where you are coming from in the sense that it does lag because i have similar issues with other renpy games that have been fully completed as of recently, so that being said i do believe it might just be an issue with newer versions of renpy's software." Using that comment and this one are we to believe that your 2010 PC runs all versions of Renpy flawlessly but your almost ultimate pc doesn't?
A low end pc isn't a massive deal, but you haven't released a single game and you said you won't for +3 years, you lack perspective on this issue for many reasons. You're not in a position to make the assertions and judgements you are making here.
Buying anything on Itch only gives you access to that version by default, but it seems the dev does give people access to the $5 versions at least for the next update when they buy the bundle. (So for this game is out rn and bundle purchasers will likely have access to and for the other game will have 1.6 and gain access to 1.7 later). But this is just speculation based on comments.
Its a bit of a mystery, it seems like the dev was never all that active, taking months between social media updates.
The dev said they were working on a major update to the game itself and that it would take a very long time. But that was around 6months ago. But before that it was 6months before their last major post, and ~4months before the major post before that. There are some that hold hope, other's that are pretty sure he got his kickstarter money 6months ago and ran.
I don't want to discourage anyone from playing this game, it looks like it has serious promise and is worth playing! The hints for the beginning puzzles really aren't fantastic because at first it can be hard to understand how/if the seals worked. I failed on the second set even with the hints just because they felt so unnecessary and complicated. The game had such a promising premise and artwork, but it sadly starts with a very boring puzzle that needs better design or to be removed.
Can anyone give me a walkthrough or any numbers on how this is supposed to work? I am well into the say 20s and she has almost no dialog options and I can't give her gifts. She sleeps at my house every night and I give her head pats every day, often multiple times a day. Is progression just this slow?