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A member registered Mar 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Funny that you mentioned it, since I watched entire Jonas, multiple times.

I feel like 3 colors is not too much, it's not like I am using 7 random colors, maybe those colors are not complementary (I didn't check), but I like how they look togetger, and I chose other colors to fit those 3 main colors.

I have never worked with particles (I don't think it would be hard), honestly, can't imagine where would they fit, it's not like birds leave trail where they fly, maybe I could add them to coins or cities, but I don't think that would make a big difference, at best I could make something like explosion whenever dragon robs cities.

I couldn't make better art because I completely exhausted my human limit, as I said before, there were many ideas I wanted to implement, many things I wanted to fix, actually, I wanted to enter WeeklyGameJam, but, it does no longer exist, for some reason, I could only do that much in 2 days, and I also felt ill on 3rd day.

Hm, I definetly could see myself putting more effort into doing better sprites, but would particles make it better, or is this just an example?

I attempted to stick to 4 colors (Yellow, Blue, Green, Rose for Cockatrice and white for text), slightly modified color of sprites to fit pallete closer, but that's mostly it, in my vision game would be made only of 5 colors, and maybe shades for UI

could you elaborate on "presentation"?

thank you very much for kind words

I did, they failed to find sprites :p

Thank you for feedback a lot.
I had this idea, I had many different ideas, but I burned down on game very quickly

There is a lot of work to do, but I quickly burned down on it, many things were not implemented, and I wish I had deticated person to do style, but that's how it goes

Cool concept, but game very quickly became too laggy, and mosters spawn faster than I can kill them
I fell under lava, and it didn't kill me

My favourite game in this jam. Very creative concept, simple but interesting.
Conveyors work even before placing them, so I could move boxes by myself (unrealistic, lol)

My favourite game in this jam. Very creative concept, simple but interesting.
Conveyors work even before placing them, so I could move boxes by myself (unrealistic, lol)

is this what it feels like to be on drugs?

I get that it  supposed to be retro difficulty, but it gets frustrating very fast

wow, the last thing I expected to see here was a Unreal Engine horror game

There could not possible be a game that implements this restriction better than this.

Artstyle is nice, simple and effective, 3 colors is all you need, although white color of font doesnt't fit everything else, but that's nitpicking

Gameplay is the definition of "Endless Greed", don't get it twisted.

Music is perfect for this kind of games, really puts you in relaxed state, similar to having a drink, asking to put one more coin in

Only one thing I could ask for - to not display all icons simultaniousely, you've gotta keep up the tension of showing last item

...I didn't get it

The artstyle is incredible, everything fits together so nicely, overall being very cute
Game concept is my favourite kind of games: "simple, yet deep", game is simple enough to not be overwhelming, but give enough room for skill and desicion making.
Sound design is perfect, all sounds and music fit artstyle, Only issue is - pickup sound effect jumpscared me.
The only issue game has is lack of polish - which is completly understandable, in 72 hours there isn't a lot of time to fix small issues like overlapping text, or doing small tutorial before game start, or main menu.

UPD: I had this issue when playing on Windows 7, I tried running it on Linux with Proton Experimental, and somehow it helped, and I managed to finish game on linux


I really really really want to complete this game, but when "time comes" and I attempt to leave dark bedroom game just blackscreens! I can hear my footsteps and music, but I can't see anything!

I managed to load demo on Linux, just have to use wine64, this is true Dream Simulator, kind of game that makes next night dream really wild, although demo is very short.

holy shit that's a lot of motherfuckers in the comments, sick game, i've never played anything so fast-paced

Hit that 10k$, we need that game really hard. Dev=God

Nice idea

On main page written Remember, theme is purely inspirational and not required. Feel free to interpret it however you want.Does it mean that i can not to follow this theme at all? (following only limitation, of course)

This is all about you. If you don't want to - choose another variant.

Cool alternative while i'm trying to find money for Aseprite. Almost every function. Only one issue - every time file exploer opens at program location, every time opening my folder is long.

Thanks for encouragements!

That's damn good! Why don't you change app icon with ResourseHacker?

Thanks Clementine, I just noticed your review. 
I have no expirience in Gamedev, this is one of our first tries. Picking colors was really hard, i changed 6 different color palettes before i see this one. Sound  are like theese because this is the first game where i even use sounds. I definetly need more practice with Bfxr. There is no Goal because i wanted to make something endless, replayable. Yes, in that order this game need some points, or time high score.
Sorry, i didn't write much about your game, because it's just good.

Celeste-Boshy alike game. Simple, stylish and well made. You have some expirience. (btw, rate me?)

Beatiful game. Complex, simple and well made. Noticeably that this isn't your first game.

(1 edit)

You came up with really simple, but genious idea, and you did it well! Good job!

That's like a pokemon: not every singgle shape is needet to complete the game, but if you want, you can catch 'em all

The firs thing i like in this game - complexitiy. It feels like this is completed game. Good animations, good sfx, good bg musix, good world, good transitions, good colors. In every parts of game was put much effort in it. I like it. and I want to make games as you. Could you check our game pls?

don't mind checking my game?

What were you using as engine? You know, with powerful engine you can make small games just by spending 3 hours per day on it.