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A member registered Sep 15, 2021

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Waited until 0.3 to give it a shot, because I love to binge on stories to get the best context, and man was that a mistake. There's enough content here to get completely hooked but I know this level of writing and design will take foreeeever. I'm going to go drop by the Patreon to help this grow!

Tell Nova and Nancy I'll be back next patch!!

P.S. Thank you for named saves

I just did my first playthrough, and was able to figure it out with the Journal at the top of the screen (usually yellow with a ! next to it). Some hints are kind of vague, and others (like the fisherman) you get waaay before you can actually complete the request. Overall though the Journal is faithful to your next step. Hope that helps!

Hey there, sorry for the wait on the reply. I was using a keyboard at the time of this, just went back in a tried it again, with the same result. I've got another keyboard I'll be switching to soon that might somehow help? Either way I thought you should know so you could take a look. Thanks!

Hey there! Sadly had an issue once getting to the Overworld (The first path after the opening cutscene and tutorials), and was not able to continue with unresponsive controls. I tried rebinding my keys in the F1 menu to no avail, and no dice with a plug-in controller either. This was on v0.2.5. If you have a resolution, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for making games!