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Hey there! Sadly had an issue once getting to the Overworld (The first path after the opening cutscene and tutorials), and was not able to continue with unresponsive controls. I tried rebinding my keys in the F1 menu to no avail, and no dice with a plug-in controller either. This was on v0.2.5. If you have a resolution, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for making games!

Can you tell me what form of input you are using? 0.2.5 is optimized for keyboard only, and has limited support for controllers. 0.3.0 will have mouse support, and may have controller support depending on the issues associated with not having it.

I am having the same issue, no keyboard function once you pass the tutorial/intro scenes and get to the first free-movement area.

are you using the regular arrow keys or the numpad? Also is numlock on?

(1 edit)

both, and i rarely use the ten-key addition so I have reason to believe it was on, I can double check however

edit: It just works now all of a sudden, regardless of whether numlock is on or off, huh

still strange it happened to more than one person. Glad it works and stay tuned for future updates. I'm excited for you to see the next one.

I've been having the same problem as well

Hey there, sorry for the wait on the reply. I was using a keyboard at the time of this, just went back in a tried it again, with the same result. I've got another keyboard I'll be switching to soon that might somehow help? Either way I thought you should know so you could take a look. Thanks!

A few people have reported this same issue. It is difficult to discern as I cannot duplicate the problem. For some people, the problem fixes itself. I am actively looking into this to see if I can patch it out