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Sadly, the results were thrown into the incinerator, as were the jam submissions, the jam itself, and approximately 25% of my actively working brain cells. Fortunately, they will likely be recovered next week after the judges finish reviewing the top 20 submissions (minus the brain cells, those are returning Tuesday).

Thank you, I will try to keep that advice in mind!

Thanks for listening and for the feedback!

Thank you for listening, very based


Thanks for listening!

Thanks a ton for the detailed feedback, it means a lot! I'm glad you noticed some of the minor details. I'm still not very experienced when it comes to music composition, but I'm learning and have been enjoying it thus far! Thanks again for listening!

Thanks for listening, I appreciate it!

I doubt I'll get close to top 100, but so far I've enjoyed making my ost and listening to everyone else's! Everyone here is really supportive and I'm just glad I got to be a part of it :).

I appreciate the feedback, thanks for listening! In And it Stared Back, that dissonance was intended but I definitely could've done it less harshly or in a more effective way.

Thanks for listening, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I have a mostly lenient schedule so I was able to create a couple more songs than I first expected myself to. Thanks for the feedback as well!

Thanks for the advice!

Thanks, I'm still relatively new to all of this but feedback like this definitely helps!

Thanks for the feedback! I know very little about mixing and mastering, but I will hopefully improve my knowledge of it over time.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Here's a 20th request :D
(You don't at all have to give feedback for mine, only if you have the time and are willing to)

I didn't know this existed until now, this is awesome

I just finished my entry, rushing to get it submitted before the deadline (I submitted at exactly noon), before realizing there was another 20 minutes until the actual deadline. Whoops.