a lot of fun to play and I dig the creative approach to kind of clashing game styles, the colliders on some of the spikes could be better though, it is colliding and causing death when you hit like the side/non spikey part and would be better if the collision only caused death when you fall on the spike part. Let me know or contact further if you need anymore feedback or someone to play test!
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great game, felt more like the ice skating was a feature rather than an attmept at mixing the genres maybe if there was like some sort of incentive towards doing skate maneuvers it would have encapsulated the theme better but the game alone was fun to play and even though it plays a little slow i like getting the hang of the feeling of being out of control skating on the ice awesome job for a jam game.
It is fun game and an interesting concept, although I feel it falls a bit short on actually capturing the intended theme of mixing card elements with the roguelike shooter. Having said that the game itself is fun to play and I enjoyed seeing what all the the different bullets do and discarding ones that werent necessary. Was a super cool concept i'd love to see flushed out on its own. Also the UI for the menu is freaking sweet and I thought super well thought out for a game jam game