Seems interesting, though I had some trouble parsing the narration near the end. Would've been funny to have the ability to call Ciocana out for being a god when the MC realized it, but I realize there's a number of traits to account for and this is a minor thing. I've been curious how an outside perspective would see our MC, given all the other gods seem to have pieces of their divinity that shine through no matter what.
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My initial solution is rather inelegant, but the second one is the strange product of my attempt to optimize for space.
MY HEART. I love this so much. The story is so sweet and I can't articulate how it makes me feel. The way you tie bits of all the lives together... It makes me want to do something similar when I finally get around to writing more. One other thing: good job making me ACTUALLY click the red string. That kind of thing is really easy to do wrong.
Shroom and gloom isn't a very difficult game, but I don't mean that as a negative. It's fun to mess around with the different interactions and see how I can roast these mushrooms the next run without having too much pressure to play optimally all the time. This game has a fun little gimmick and a lot of heart. I'm excited to see that you're still working on it and I'm sure I'll have a blast with all the future builds too.
I thought there was just an early bad end, a late bad end, and an end for both characters. Then I saw that the last ending I got was NUMBER NINE... I'm going to regret this greatly but I'm considering making a flowchart and brute forcing all the endings. I like this game but holy carp it's gonna be hard to find all the endings.