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Amiga Cammy

A member registered Sep 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hiya lifeschool,

I’ve been learning how to code a text adventure in Amiga-E on and off for the last few years, and Morning Panic is my first fully playable game. It’s a short and simple experience designed to be completed in just a few minutes. While it’s already a complete game, I do have some ideas for future versions that could expand and make it even bigger over time.

Hi! Here’s how voting works: There are four judges, including a community vote. During AmigaBill’s live-stream on Twitch, the other three judges will score each game from 1 to 5 stars. The total scores will be calculated, and the winners announced.

Aww, that’s great to hear! I’m glad you were able to finish it. No problem, I’m glad you enjoyed the calendar too! :)

Have you tried typing in L or LOOK in each of the rooms?

Hi! Thank you so much for playing my game. I see you’ve found the wallet but haven’t picked up the key yet. The game ends once you find both the wallet and the key, then leave through the correct room. Good luck and let me know if you find any more problems!

Hi everyone. The judges will be reviewing the final version submitted to the jam before the deadline. However, if you want to keep updating the game on your own page so that everyone can play a more complete version, that’s perfectly fine. In the case of One Joyful DAy’s game, AmigaLive had a lot of trouble getting the game to run properly, which meant the judges wouldn’t have been able to evaluate it at all. I gave the go-ahead to submit the bug-fixed version to AmigaLive because having all the jam games on the AmigaLive server ensures that everyone can play them.

Hi there! I just wanted to say how much I truly enjoyed playing this game. I tried it out for the first time on on my Twitch stream yesterday and had such a good time working out how to beat each level. I still haven’t finished it but I would love to keep playing until I do! If you would like to see the stream I did, here’s the YouTube link for it where I save my Twitch streams -

Hiya, Rogue Declan Zero (this game now has a finished and published version called “Rogue Declan”) came first. Here’s a website with a list of all the previous AmiGameJam games and the winners -

You’re more than welcome to pick any game that did come out on the Amiga. This competition is just for the Amiga platform.

Hiya! Yes, Scala is allowed in the competition. No worries, we’ll make sure the judges can run your game when the time comes.

I’m so happy you’ve resumed work on this, I’m really looking forward to it!

Ripped assets are always fine in these friendly competitions, as long as we’re not profiting from the work it shouldn’t be a copyright problem, and as far as originality is concerned we should consider that many sequels re-used assets from previous games, so in the case of a jam based around sequels I don’t think we should judge the use of ripped assets harshly.

I will try to get some screenshots once we have more tiles made, at the moment the whole thing looks a bit bare and abstract. The in-game graphics are in 16 colours.

Wow, thank you! I have already uploaded a newer version with a few extra enemies now, and I will continue adding to the game over the next few days until it’s finished.

Hiya! I’m happy that you’re interested in my app! For those who prefer a version without MUI, I can try to code a version using just Intuition.

I could also code a built-in editor of sorts so you can add your own quotes and pictures too which could be displayed randomly or in order.

I would like to continue adding features to this app, it would be fun to finally show my original vision for Aurora Mystica.

Hi! Thank you for looking at my Amiga E and MUI experiment. I did have plans to add more features that would have helped this little app make sense to the user but I ran out of time unfortunately.

All it does now is display quotes using a simple random number generator. However, I can still continue to develop it at my own pace and hopefully get around to implementing all the ideas I had for it during the tool jam.

Hi there! Congratulations on winning Second Place in AmiGameJam! I was wondering if you could contact me at arcadecammy @ please? It’s just about the prizes, I don’t seem to be able to message you directly here. Thank you!

I don't see why not, I'm pretty sure allows people to re-upload newer versions of their games, so it shouldn't be a problem, and we'd love to see your work in progress!

Multiple entries per person or group are totally acceptable, but each person or group can only win one prize pack (which they can share amongst themselves on their own terms). If one of your entries comes first and another is voted second, the game voted third will win the second prize and be considered "equal second" for example.

However, we're working on a digital "participation prize" pack, downloadable/streamable prizes that everyone who enters will receive.

How long have you been working on the project? The competition rules only permit projects started after the 1st of August 2021. There may be exceptions made if you started the project within the last week or so, provided that you submit the final game at least a week or so before the contest end date. It would definitely be a perfect entry to the Next Gen category if it's following the rules.

Apologies for the late reply, the last couple of days have been a little overwhelming, which is fantastic because we have so many people interested in contributing and donating to the competition.

As far as defining what we consider a port, and what's acceptable for the contest, a "port" can include the use of original source code and assets, as well as ground-up recreations. Provided it's recognisable as the game it's based on, it should be accepted. If it's a port of a game that is currently for sale, it shouldn't include any assets that haven't been released for free (for example a Doom port requires the WAD file from a registered copy of the game). If the game is considered "abandonware" it's generally accepted that any recreation using the original assets will go unnoticed and unpunished. As far as I'm aware, the only game that ever receives legal consequences are ports of Mario, so avoid any games from that company. As far as I know, the consequences are that the game is taken down from the internet, nothing worse. In any case, it's up to you to use your judgement on what's right or wrong.

If it's a port of a game from an inferior system, you are welcome to improve it. If you improve it to the point where it's no longer recognisable as the original game, it may not meet everyone's standards. The winners are the ones who impress the community and the judges the most, and we're all capable of considering the amount of effort and good decisions that are put into each entry. Turbo Sprint is a perfect example of a game that is clearly recognisable as a port of the original game without stepping on too many toes. and I'm sure would be voted favourably.

Remember that as a port, it's not really the kind of thing you'd be able to resell (but you could win some fantastic prizes). If the game you submit is so far removed from the original that it has become its own game, you may not win this contest but you would probably be able to sell the game.