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A member registered Apr 17, 2024

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It Took 5 years for us to get from 0.20 to 0.26. You better be here for the Journey and not the destination 

She's the one in charge of the kiosk at Night, just talk to her. After that she Will be friendly but Will require you to gin high scores in games to get her to play with you. No inuendo intended

Holy shit, i always thought the bed would cause an instant defeat if overused, i've been playing this game since before we had a labyrinht ffs

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Wait, who's the White haired one in the middle of rank S?

Oh it would be very optimistic of us to Believe that the capital will release in any state that can be considered complete. If anything, once it finally comes out i can see 1 maybe even 2 years of updates dedicated to fleshing out the Capital and its many interactions with other characters. 

I would guess the biggest reason why the creator would flesh out so many things before actually giving access to the capital (Seriously we got an entire new Village just when it looked like we were getting into the capital) its very much about the daunting task of creating something that can compare to what has been hyped up. Something something, first steps are always hard

Can totally see it becoming a Big issue if the game continues to Have long waiting times between updates. Still always kinda expected the capital to be the "Do or Die" of the game. The massive amount of buildup from other characster could only mean that when we got the capital the Wait would be massive or the content would be lacking. Since the creator has yet to give me a reason to be dissapointed in the game I'am going to Believe they're trying to avoid the latter.

Still, the Wait can easily end up killing interest in the game so lets hope it sin't much longer

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Information is freely given on the game's Reddit page. Patreon only gives you the information instantly, while the Reddit page gives info with a 1 month Delay. I also wouldn't be surprised if the Twitter and Discord gave the info 

Edit: Twitter does not in fact give info. 

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Its supposed to come with entry to the capital and múltiple shops with interactions and dialogue. Not much Have been said about fights or new characters but the creator has affirmed that he is taking his time because he wants the next update to feel meaty. Based on update reports as of march update .26 has been "Ready" but it needs to go throught proper testing and bug fixing, not to mention additional content that they may want to add.

Edit: Guild Counter Recepcionist is also getting her art remastered