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A member registered Aug 15, 2024

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Ok WackoGamer, first the video is a joke and two glaciepuff it would be interesting for certain bosses or others to inflate, get fat or berried up and can deflate, de-fatten and de-berried (maybe the the bosses or npcs that's berried status can slowly grow over time) but yeah!

And also add berry element to the crew pls!

Hi Glacie, it's me from X/twitter the one who was talking about the glitch with Lexi and the secrets. I wanna know is it worth the trouble of just eating Gally #000 (aka the current WallyWix boss) early before the chocolate boss fight? Because she gives good loot like her cane and coat but her other element types like slime or berried (My favorite by the way) and speaking berry, would it change the outcome with the Berry Queen?

Hello again Captain if you don't remember me, i am the comment with the title (Story, Ideas, and gameplay) if ya forgot. I wanna ask ya something, so i know how you said the game is difficult and your most likely going to lose constantly, so i wanna ask ya if you want, tey an add a mechanic in the game! I was thinking of how to make it a bit easier to survive (but also make more kinky) and that involved juicing! Yeah i know that you have the juicing machine and you can get juiced by it but that takes so many batteries and way to long to remember. So if you want you don't have listen but i'm just saying, can you make a mechanic where you can juice yourself slightly but it cost sleep or damage? And also would it be possible to able to see your own character grow, like how you can see them grow a bit after doing something drinking and filling up?

That's it for now and love your game survival games are the one the bests! Also Merry Christmas!

(1 edit)

I knew it! But can you let me guess something... Am I possibly the first person to post this out in the comments? But I believe that most of the people who played this or at least some people might of found this but didn't comment about it! But yeah I knew that was a secret and had to be connected to the 3rd game in some way and I was right! But i did and also didn't suspect it to be the title of the game, because you know there's many speculations what it could be use and stand for.

And i'm always here to stick around to find clues, secrets, lore and speculation s of future games you make (And probably help with some contents if ya want) but yeah i like the lore of things and how they played out. So i want to say thank you for making a unique game that interests me. I do like unidentified lore (pun intended). But you Impish are the goat cause you are a game developer and a artist, so I hope you get a good christmas and a good break. And Marry Christmas!

Also by the way yes that is my post that I sent like month ago i think! But yeah talk to ya Earthling tomorrow or after Christmas if ya want, you deserve it!

(6 edits)

Hello Impish and Earthlings it is I The Unidentified Galvin from another world or Impish you could recall me by another name, TheBestGamer01 and how we discussed about the next game will be, but i'm not here to talk about names and new games this time maybe later but not this time! I'm here to talk about secrets in this one, I saw a few and I notice this first one after getting interrogated by the farmer couple, we get out of the basement and we notice, i notice and probably everyone else upstairs theirs a book of a table on the left side of a giant black and red chair and it's just blank but! There is something on the last page called IMPIOUS! As i researched this word i found something, the word IMPIOUS described as "Not showing respect or reverence, especially for a god" or " a person or a act of being wicked"  is this a hint of something or someone being in the game like  or something similar like X-2402/Nova's species also know as the Illythians and their god, Edgar? Is this a hint to their god or someone else, who might cause problems to the Illythians or Nova herself? Probably that military chick back from the first game... But hey who knows, you are mysterious with these secrets! But i have to know does this secret have a connection that's related to the next game? If so then i'm very excited to see what it has in store and find out about it and secrets & lore! ALSO! As a galvin i already told you from my probably month old and for some reason deleted post, that I very enjoyed this game and i can't wait until the next game comes out!

Hey question with being a inmate, so after making you character and before you start you'll be asked what you did there's Innocent, Thief,  Murderer and Prostitute are these like the difficulty of the game like easy mode hard mode and etc? Just asking.

To Headhunteroffliner so 8 days ago i posted a comment where they can add new content to the game. And because they didn't reply and i see your comments most of the time i wanna ask ya something would it be possible for the things i posted in my old comment 8 days ago to be out in the game or as a mod? And also i like they you do things around here, keep up the good work!

Me when i see inflation, cumflation, weight gain, blueberry inflation, force inflation, and force feeding/weight...

Hi there, just to let ya know i'm not new here, i know the game well and i just wanna ask ya a question or two. So in the game i notice there were a few kinks like bondage, nudity, slavement, and more, but i 2 caught my eye C. U. Mflation and pregnancy. Will there be other kinks similar to these two like natural inflation like air, water, or a more kinky type forced, and will be different ones like weight gain, eating to much make you more... plump than usual, more thicc, and will be a... well not really a type a kink that should be a game like your but what the heck, Blueberry inflation.

I'm just curious that's, totally not into that type of stuff... yeah. But anyway i just wanna know if there will be new kinks involve. So anyway love your game, very interesting when i first found and played it, because the game page looks basic, but when you play it, it becomes amazing, ok i'm done right now but just one last time love your game.

And also would there be other contents, like animal encounters like a normal or a berried animal, like a rat or cow? And would there be new event about what happened to the world, how did it became this way? Did had to do would the labs or a natural causes? I'm sorry i just like asking creators like you, on helping their games to have more content. You don't have to answer these question it's just like a mini Q&A a little bit.

So quick question about the medicine and items. With the items sometimes whenever i play the game i mostly die from hunger, would it be possible if their was a mall or shop where you van get rations or food? But there would be a catch, like would there bandits, or you body would get tired or hungry overtime as you get supplies? And as for the medicine would it be possible if there was new one like the Dimorphexs, or the Elastinups? Like a medicine similar to Nosleep, and it'll be having a temporary boost and you're sleep bar would fill up much slower?

so that's all for right now but i do wanna see your guys thoughts. I do wanna talk about the items' and medicine in the game tomorrow.

And about new ways to inflate. When i played your game i notice that the Male bandits have a pump and sounds like they use air to inflate the player or its self, would it be possible in the next update to get or make one of these pumps, like if you pop one of these bandits there's a rare chance you can get one. And also if this does happen can they be use a kinky fun item or a weapon for battling bandits like a RPG type thing... Or both?

sorry for the bad typing "Visuals" not viauals

So i notice Jayru post and how they suggested for bandits, male/female ones. And i notice that it's only texts will there be a update where you'll make the bandits have models? And will they have animation, with combat viauals?

So i notice the other ideas at the bottom and they seem interesting so i wanna help ya make new contents so a further a do...

Heya Captain i'm kinda new here for talking to ya but i am aware of you game amd i have a few suggestions, and ideas.

Hey Impish i have a question will you make episode 3 or more? Will it be a longer or a the same shorter story? Also will there be more mechanics like RPG for example' like fighting, telekinesis gameplay or more? And one more thing will their be other kinks in episode 3 like things besides pregnancy, or breast expansion like inflation, weight gain, or... The more kinkier one C. U. M. flation... So yeah just asking... Also love your games very kinky and fun to play. Keep doing you!