Heya Captain i'm kinda new here for talking to ya but i am aware of you game amd i have a few suggestions, and ideas.
Nobody survives The Outlands. Why not go out with a bang? · By
And about new ways to inflate. When i played your game i notice that the Male bandits have a pump and sounds like they use air to inflate the player or its self, would it be possible in the next update to get or make one of these pumps, like if you pop one of these bandits there's a rare chance you can get one. And also if this does happen can they be use a kinky fun item or a weapon for battling bandits like a RPG type thing... Or both?
So quick question about the medicine and items. With the items sometimes whenever i play the game i mostly die from hunger, would it be possible if their was a mall or shop where you van get rations or food? But there would be a catch, like would there bandits, or you body would get tired or hungry overtime as you get supplies? And as for the medicine would it be possible if there was new one like the Dimorphexs, or the Elastinups? Like a medicine similar to Nosleep, and it'll be having a temporary boost and you're sleep bar would fill up much slower?
And also would there be other contents, like animal encounters like a normal or a berried animal, like a rat or cow? And would there be new event about what happened to the world, how did it became this way? Did had to do would the labs or a natural causes? I'm sorry i just like asking creators like you, on helping their games to have more content. You don't have to answer these question it's just like a mini Q&A a little bit.
You might find that you don’t die of hunger as much if you’re more infected. More infection means you need to have a good way to get rid of juice, but you don’t get as hungry.
Temporarily changing attributes like fatigue rate is possible but not trivial. A lot of the game balance is fairly carefully tuned, but even outside of that it’s a little challenging implementation wise to have things decay. Or maybe challenging is the wrong word. More like, labor intensive.
what even is the max size for every character? Does it get to a point where they stop growing but you can still take elastinup to increase your fill stat?
Also does fill effect any other stat? Whenever I load my saves and I find the lab or an encounter (even with no fatigue) I literally cannot craft or talk my way out anything.. I’ve taken so many thinkies.