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A member registered Mar 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your constructive reply!  You are right the "riddles" could have had some more hints or explaining.

For the Reset button that's something i would have fixed if there was time for it.^^ It was my first game Jam and first game done in Unity. Im looking forward for the next one!

Thanks for the comment! yea in hintsight i really should have made things more clear to the user. Excuse my bad habit as im a Backend-developer and as this is my first Jam i missed out on having it playtested by someone who wasn't on my team... Next time!
Tips for you:

Only one  stone needs to touch altar but it needs to have the right weight.
weight (yours and stones) is changed by having them be in a red(heavier) yellow(normal) green(lighter) circle
in the second level you need to throw the stone over the red zone!

They do for Sure. This is my first jam tho and i didn't get to do everything i wanted in time. :p

throw the ball above the red zone ;)

Thanks for the feedback we appreciate it!