Very fun, had a great time trying to route a speedrun since you gave us a timer, my best any% was a 17.63 after many, many attempts. Absolutely love the movement, it's a little janky but satisfying to pull off successfully.
Alex (up2060082)
A member registered Oct 20, 2021 · View creator page →
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The scuffed spear by Team Mummy jam comments · Posted in The scuffed spear by Team Mummy jam comments
Very scuffed, but very fun! It took me a bit to figure out how the spear worked, but once I figured it out I had a blast!
I had a good time exploring out of bounds as well; letting us click inside of walls may have given us a bit too much power. I may have gained infinite height and phased threw walls, but I had a blast doing it, and I tried to keep the exploits to a minimum but well it's called the scuffed spear for a reason.