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V vix

A member registered Dec 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey there, one of the devs here. Unfortunately bugs are something we struggled to fix up until the last hours of the Jam. The game has been developed in 20 days and most of us didn't had teamwork experience, so we were pretty disorganized. I hope to fix some of the problems in the future patches ✌️

In 1972, an old military submarine was donated for scientific research. It was to be used for observing and collecting data about the sea life of the Pacific ocean, specifically the whales. An issue arose though, only one person agreed to be locked underwater in a floating tin can, only one researcher boards the submarine, alone in the dark depths of the ocean.

Dark Depths is a short 20-40 minute horror-themed whale watching simulator in an early 3D games (Quake, GoldenEye, Deus Ex) style graphics. It's available for free (with optional donations) on Windows and Linux (with a bonus of behind the scenes docs if you donate at least 4$).

(Also, does anybody know why I can't see the game when I try to put it's name in the search bar? it's been 2 days and I'm beginning to worry that something broke 😰)