You play as Hank The Hedgehog on a mission to bring pain to a farmers life. Roll and destroy his Crops and find all the hidden Pumpkins in this Autumn themed game jam entry!
Animations and art-style were great and over-all enjoyable.
My only issues were that there was a little janky-ness with the cursor and pixel size which was a pain when using the shaver because those mistakes were impossible to fix (unless I missed an undo button)
You can actually move the camera on the Y-Axis by using the scroll wheel, I was just too stupid to put it in the instructions...
The fox is difficult to escape with your initial speed but I advise that people collect the Pumpkins first to gain speed boosts and stamina boosts but I agree, they are difficult. Using cover like under the porch or on top of buildings is a good alternative till you find pumpkins.