I don’t really know how to continue with this, I just want to do something quick and simple with some simple arts and systems.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, gimme.
I played in the browser and the performance seems good. The jump is very good, I can see that you even have coyote time, and you can control the jump height as well.
Personally, I find the position of the controls kinda of odd, but this is just a personal thing.
I don’t think it’s very cool to have to hold down a key to aim and then press another to shoot if I can’t aim in any other direction, but I don’t know your plans for that.
Which game engine are you using (if you’re using one)?
There are some questions I didn’t answer because I forgot… Well, here are the answers to some of them:
Q: Android version?
A: Maybe not, but who knows in the future.
Q: Black screen?
A: Make sure you extracted all the .exe and .pck files from the .zip file.
Q: How do I build?
A: You need to have a building item, such as a crafting table. In addition to the item, you need to be in a valid building zone, such as a house or farmland. Click on the screen with the item equipped and the ghost structure will appear. Click again to place it.
Oi! Por enquanto só tem 2 inimigos que são ‘seduzíveis’ e 1 cutscenezinha pra cada um desses :( Mas no futuro ainda vou colocar mais coisas sim, por enquanto o foco do desenvolvimento tem sido mais nas mecânicas, mas tenho planos em colocar mais coisas
Ainda não tem uma progressão, a parte da história vou fazer mais pra frente quando as mecânicas básicas principais estiverem 100% funcionais