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A member registered Jul 19, 2021

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Wow, very clever puzzles!  Now I am stranded in the blue.  :) 

Seems like the ending is the bunny monster from Donnie Darko finds Jesus? 

Thank you.  I never noticed that the red area underneath was accessible from the ladder.  I hope you make many more games. 

You aut to make a game about automobiles since you have oughtism. 

The last level was a nice easy way to end off and become the fruit slice master.

Great idea for an ending.  Going on vacation in a trash can.  lol

Awesome game and puzzles.  I made it to the top level after the rest, but it was just too much to figure out.  This game is making my laptop overheat too much to leave it on.  Don't feel like playing the whole game over again.  

Finally beat the grape people, but I still don't understand what the rule is for them. 

Nevermind, I figured it out.  Bring on the Pear people!

Comeback looks exactly the same to me.  What did you fix about it?  Both boxes are needed for the last watermelon, correct? I don't see how to free the brown box without putting a watermelon on each side. 

Stimulating those hedgehogs was a thrill. 

Great game! Was hoping for many more levels.


I can't believe it's been 2 years already since you added the newer levels.  

The ultimate masterpiece in javelin golf games.

You're welcome!

Awwww yeah. All 10 levels baby

You're welcome!  My pleasure. 

It's such good news that the two kingdoms finally settled their differences.

Looks more like bowling pins.

Poor elephants just wanted some candy.  They didn't know they were supposed to pay. 

Yes, you do.

Such a joyous day to grab a diamond. 

Heavy handed Dave.  King of PS. 

Great game!

Best winner, end of game sound ever. 

After all these years, I finally beat it

Did the post jam version ever become available??

That emerald prize you get for winning the game is magnificent! Well done Stingby. Looking forward to the new section in the update.  

Great game NinaBirb!

fweshy, lol

7 months later, I forgot that I played this game and I beat it again :) 

Yes, thank you for making this nonsense. 

Sweet game!

Wow.  Great game! The awesome ending made finishing all 20 levels all the more satifying.  

Bring on the public execution that you promised us. 

Finally completed all 10 levels after all these years.

2 years later and I'm back again.  

It says all chapter 1 levels are complete.  Are you making a chapter 2?

This was fun.  I stuck with it and figured out all the levels.