Well, and i can't stress it enough, damn. What rollercoaster of the plot, in a good sense. Not to mention how impressive the amount of story told in just five chapters. Great art, in both characters and full images. And of course, wonderful choice of music that helps with conveying the mood of a scene(Specially "ResuRection", i used to listen to it so long ago, it was like a hammer to the head to hear it again).
I think the only flaws were lines weren't always assigned correctly and the name of the Doberman guy (like the other guy in the comments have pointed out). But i think that's about it.
Don't think i could've encountered this VN at a more fitting time, with the whole mood of making the best with what you have and people who care about you even with all the shitty world all around.
Not a VN i will forget any time soon.
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Wow, i just... Don't know if i have enough words to describe.
Was definitely worth every minute of waiting. All this art, the action, how well it flows together with the chosen music. I specially liked the "point of view transition" pieces.
Not to mention how story keeps being captivating and naturally wanting for more.
Thanks so much for another incredible chapter.
Wow. All that was definitely worth the wait. As i'm sure other chapters gonna be worth it too.
Specially the end of the chapter. Not to mention wondeful animation and the fact that there was finally a kiss, there's also such wonderful use of Patricia's music, can hardly imagine something more fitting.
Must say I really like it. The characters, the setting, the among of queer! Not to mention the great artstyle and wonderful choice of music.
I'm curious though. That remix of Neon Stars of Piano Concerto No.1. Who a Neon Stars and is there any place they publish their work? I really liked the remix but couldn't find anything about it on web.