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Valley Hound

A member registered Apr 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Game cosmetic items are sold in the item store at



Ammending my reply here to say that there is now an option to run at reduced resolution which may benefit the performance of your game. More graphical options will come in the following updates.

Cheers & thanks for playing.


Thanks for the mention haha but this game is alot closer to the source material which is the GMod addon, they've nailed the rendering workflow required to render so many dots, great job on their behalf.


(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for playing! I am glad you enjoyed it. I may work on making it more obvious that the blue colours are positive to your assignment.


Hey, thanks a lot for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Upon a fully realised version of the game being released I plan to add more tools and gameplay mechanics, as for now  you can distract the enemy by performing large scans to attract it to a specific area.



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Thanks for playing! I will look into issues with the enemy being in inaccessible areas and being able to pass through objects, this is likely an issue with the baked NavMesh. I will also modify the doors to stop them moving the player when animating. The view distance is limited for gameplay reasons and also really helps performance although I appreciate your feedback on this, this choice is purposefull.

As for running that is a listing oversight and I will ammend it in the next update.

Thanks again for playing and the wonderful feedback, its really appreciated!


Found this video which is also very good, funny as well.

Hey, great video! Thanks alot for checking out the game and I am glad you enjoyed it!


Hey, thanks alot and thank you for playing and leaving a great video!


Hi, please don’t rate if you haven’t played the game, it’s against the game jam rules.


(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for posting.

The game is still in active development and will be receiving updates shortly along with a potential Steam release. The frequency of updates / posts has slowed as the code base is currently being refactored along with sorting some potential issues with Unity's relay services coming out of beta.

Hold tight!

Hi, thanks for the quick response!

I haven't tested the game on a device with these sorts of specifications unfortunately, I can only assume that the start up loading process is too intensive. In the next update (1.6) I will be adding some further asset optimisation which sould hopefully reduce the burder on start up.

I will also be testing the game on a device with as similar specifications to yours as possible to see if I can replicate the issue as it may also be due to Windows 8 or the older drivers of the 730.

Thanks again for reporting this, as I said I'll look into it for the next update.


Hi, thanks for your suggestion!

I've tried to make one unified graphical setting that can run on as many platforms as possible however I recognise that more settings are needed.

In the next update (1.6) I'll add in additional graphical settings and do more work on optimisation of assets.

Cheers and thanks for the suggestion!

Hi thanks for reporting this.

This has not occured on any other tested machines. Could you please provide your computers specifications. And just to make sure I am clear, upon starting the game the program quickly closes with a red taskbar icon? Is there a screenshot of the icon you could send?

Thanks a lot!

In Wyoming Winter one player is selected at random to be the Blight and must hunt down the rest of the players (the employees) in an enclosed office space. Employees must hide using the climbing system to get on, under or inside furniture and attempt to complete a list of tasks that will lead them to a gun locker. The employees also have a watch showing how long left the Blight has to escape before backup arrives to purge the facility, once this timer is up or the Blight is killed the employees win however if all employees are killed before this point then the Blight will win and escape the facility.

The game is now on sale for the Easter period.

I am also looking for feedback on what could make the page better and more enticing. =>


(3 edits)


First you must portforward your computer on port 7777.

After that is done give your friends your IP address, Google what is my IP. Do not give your IP address to people you don't know.

They need to delete from the join IP box by pressing backspace and type in your IP address.

Once that is done they must press enter.

Hope this helps, cheers!

Ammending this post to say that the game now uses lobbies so that players don't need to port forward or anything just enter the host's join code.

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