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A member registered Aug 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Made some massive updates set to roll out with VD's Kickstarter in the next few days, and of course a lot of optimizations, and new platforms are able to play in non-VR as well.
Thank you for the previous compliment, it has been a taxing journey, but a fun one none the less. :)

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After further thought, I decided to go ahead and enable Nvidia Reflex for lower spec users, fixed the texture streaming pool, fixed the character orientation issue, and remapped Jump to A Press as B Press was causing Lock On Target UX issues, I'll push a new build later on today, again thank you for the feedback!

The design itself is going to undergo a large revamp over the next month, levels will be created to scale, with finer detail, and I'll properly bake down all the materials overtime as final models roll in for production.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the reply, yes I believe a 1070 is a bit below the desired spec for this prototype, the aim is more along the lines of 3K Series, and ambitions for greater expansion with the new GPU's coming out in the next few months, along with the newer headsets. 
My desired platform and spec sits between the current Vive, Meta Quest 2, and the Varjo xr3. I personally get 110 frames on average from my device, granted it may be a bit beyond the spec requirement(Uh-oh, haha)!

Thank you for pointing out the errors, I did know they were there, however the submission requires the client to be packaged in development instead of shipping which generally culls any visible errors to end users. I didn't have much time to dive further into customizations for this prototype(texture streaming) but that's a quick 2 minute fix, so no worries there. Fluidninja is calling due to removing a few functionalities intentionally without removing their references, I accept the tisk there, haha.

As for the orientation issues, that's something I'm actively debugging, I created the tutorial for third person character in VR for ACF on YouTube, since then, roughly 3 weeks ago, Epic Games pushed an update which completely blew up the method for Character use instead of using a Pawn, but it's quite alright, with a few days time, I'll just setup the camera to spawn attached to the bone and set the sudo orientation instead from blueprint, and at a further leg of the race, convert to C++ fully after the framework is done.
The sudo orientation relates to the general offset now seen on the third person template when using pawn control rotation, just takes a bit more time to setup, but if I chose to do that I actually would have missed my submission window so I chose to wrap up instead, haha.

One big aspect to this title will be the cinematics and cinematic experience, which I also did not have the time to wrap inside of this prototype/demo as I am just a single individual and have many other duties, but time is our friend, and hopefully a few others will take the dive into Vanth's Demise. ;)

I thank you for your open feedback and encourage others to do the same!

One funny thing to highlight is that if an enemy dies on the first level, after rag doll the tornado will snag them ;) kinda funny to watch

I surely will work on it, I plan to actually release it via my own website, and turn it into what I consider to be a RPG playable TV show for VR which I release a new episode every two weeks after I get to the official launch going.

I may do a private crowdfunding to support the art initiatives on the website I’ll make over the next month, or utilize any donations garnered via to help with kickoff.

I wish I had more time for the game jam because I did wish to make cinematics, but they take me about 3-5 days to complete with all voice overs and animations, and an additional day for VFX using Fluidninja.

Assuming traction takes off, this will evolve a lot, very quickly.

Thank you for the feedback!

same actually! It’s been a fun experience for sure! #onemanarmy

Feature creep is where it’s at! Keep it up!

☠️  get to de choppa! ❤️

Cover work is catchy, great start there! Every time I scroll I notice this title

glad to see another dark fantasy vibe!

liking the celestial cover work!

congratulations on making the submission timeline! We all have bugs! I’m sure it’s understandable as the timeline was so short :)