sacanagem essa trilha sonora! boa demais
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I suck so hard at this game! I died 17 times without even reaching the second enemy on the first level (a turtle? a kangaroo? is it both!?). Which is sad because the game looks so charming. Congrats on the presentation, I think you nailed early Mario vibes aesthetically
I guess it would be easier for me to play if the bubbles spawned farther away from you, as charlie suggested. Maybe if you spit the bubbles while jumping, it stays beneath you, as a little help for people who want to go faster? Not seeing if I was past the gaps was also a thing.
Really want to see how the other levels look, so I might retry this some other time. Congrats again!
hey, thank you very much for playing! addiction was very much my goal here xD also congrats on the score, people are having a hard time getting past 1000.
about the cursor, totally agree. making a proper cursor was one of the last things on my todo list, but had no time. that, and also, making the spheres color blind friendly, maybe with different textures or color patterns. anyways, thank you for the feedback!
I wasn't aware of the original Boulder Dash. Even though it's squares here, it looks very polished. I liked that you kept the collider visible, extremely functional (and also adds to the game's visuals in a way? I felt like a spy infiltrating somewhere, I don't know)
I blazed through the initial levels without paying much attention, but then level 6 forced me to understand the game's actual rules, which to me felt nice balancing actually lol
Movement wouldn't register sometimes, and caused me a few deaths, but it's fine
Made it with 13590 points and 24 deaths!
opa, cronus! esse lance do 'desenvolvedor incompleto' é um sentimento bem familiar pra mim também, então tô torcendo por você.
talvez voce já saiba disso, mas por via das duvidas: quando sentir que precisa de ajuda, pede. isso não vai fazer o jogo ser menos 'seu', só vai aliviar a pressão e fazer o projeto andar.
curto muito as coisas que você faz, boa sorte o/
que submissão maneira! o conceito é simples mas a atmosfera é massa, tá super bem executado. eu passei da ultima fase apenas com o X sobrando, foi emocionante huahauha (a foto pra provar:
2 coisas que me incomodaram:
- jogando no teclado, apertar pra cima ou pra baixo ta fazendo o meu site scrollar junto. fuçando eu vi que WASD / J+K tambem funciona, mas descobri só depois de zerar XD
- as vezes as 'floating essences' desaparecem pra valer e ai eu nunca mais consigo recuperar os controles, nem passando de fase
We unfortunately missed the deadline for a few minutes. Although we're not going to participate on the voting, here's the link to what we made so it won't all go to waste.
I had a really good time making this, thanks Matthew!
Your game is smooth! I like the feeling of moving the cat around and meowing at every corner. I do miss some kind of challenge, although that's a completely personal question. And congratulations for aiming for a simple concept, that's still a struggle for me (vide Death to the Cats). Apparently, you were able to keep everything at your capabilities and was able to deliver a cute and concise environment! Thanks for the jam, and for your review o/
hi marcos! I posted a while ago looking for a 2D artist. if you have spare time from working with fsofme, we would gladly accept your help too! hit us at our server:
Hello, everyone!
My friend and I are looking for artists to help us in this jam. We are both programmers with 2 jams under our belt (so still a lot to learn), yet we are eager to participate and leave a mark in this.
We still haven't decided on the project, so the artist would be free to contribute with any concept that he/she might come out with.
Also, since we're both part-time workers AND nearing our graduations, the time devoted to this project wouldn't be much, so we will have to aim low for this one.
That's it! Happy jam o/
Edit #1
At the moment, we are 2 programmers and 1 UI/Environment artist. We still need someone for characters and possible 2d animation!