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A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Good effort, great idea. After fourth bobcat appear it gets bit hard! :) 

Outs! Definitely eat a finger from the start. Ho, ho, ho!

I did liked to play this one. It had enough challenge and there was no hurry to finish levels. Simple and sharp, indeed!

Started this week too late so had to try make some kind game logic first to achieve about anything ready. Plenty of things had to leave out, but personally kind a happy of how it ended up. Can't take much of the credit from character controller as Unity starter assets 3rd person controller is used for movement. 

On game page there is something about how to play and what you can do. Might put out a proper version with menus and all at some point after jam end.

Thanks for the comments and trying it out. Added some more info to game page about how to play and what to do.

Where to put chickens and sheep?

In to your cars the trunk.

Who's taking shots?

Farmer in case you try to steal his property. Ie. chicken or sheep.

How then could put those to trunk if I get shot all the time?

When farmer is away from his usual position.

What to do when farmer is there from dawn to dusk?

You can try to control sheep's and chicken's by trying to push them to right direction. 

You can hunt down the goblins and not allow them to eat any animals.

Can also call sheep's to close to pen by closing all the gates if it makes easier to catch them later or keep safe from the goblins.

You can try to find goblins nests just to know where they are coming from.

You can wonder around the farm to see all if there is anything else suspicious.

What to do during night time?

It's time to collect sheep's and chicken's to take in case you feel need for that.

Trunk is full?

Need drive those home to fridge. Not actually happen, but if open/close front door it will reset the trunk.

What is the noise during night time?

Farmer in his dreamland.

How to play

Movement with ASWD + Space for jump & shift to run.

Mouse to look around, LMB to interact.

Thanks for trying it out. There's a place near where you start. Didn't want to give too much instructions at the start. Scoring isn't really very rewarding, but with at least few strategies could collect different points. Shot means you have been too eager and kind a end of round. Goblins are most easy collect as it is more like your day job. Lost is kind a negative point, but not happen very often if you keep your self busy.