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A member registered Nov 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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That's a really good way to go around the short time frame! I'm only the artist of this team and sometimes we get too absorbed to our own areas. It's gotten to a point where once i didn't even know what type of game i was drawing for :O Following your strategy, i think i'm gonna help flesh out and test the core features more the next time before making the visuals better :D And yea, game jams are really amazing for learning a lot of things in a short while!

More levels and a way to show the player how much HP they have is definitely something we would add if we develop the game further! Glad you love the art and sound too, we perhaps spent too much of our time making that  good rather than our actual gameplay (woops). But anyways, thanks for playing our game and writing a comment!

Thanks! There is only one very unbalanced level right now, since we got a bit carried away with graphic and sound design (we didn't have time to do a proper level design or fix balancing issues XD ). But thanks so much for playing our game and writing a comment!

Thank you so much!

Thanks! And yea, we are missing a lot of important things and there are quite a few  balancing issues (we ran out of time, woops). But thanks for playing our game and writing a comment!

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Tak for heads up! Vi har uploadet det nu