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A member registered Jun 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm glad to know that you like the other two redesigns! And I'm also glad that you like Beatrice's old design, after all I dedicated work and love to her design at the time ❤

I appreciate your perspective! And of course, understand your initial reluctance towards the new changes or designs. Indeed, it feels somewhat strange to me as well, having spent a couple of years working with these designs and style. However, I am confident that I will soon acclimate to it, and in time, if the remake turns out as I envision, most people will grow fond of these new designs and styles.

Regarding your observations about the characters' personalities and professions, I provide detailed explanations in the Patreon posts when I present a new design. The changes are not merely aesthetic; most secondary characters will undergo significant transformations (some more than others). This has been a point I've emphasized in my recent announcements on the Discord server. There will be numerous changes, not just to the characters, but the core essence of the game will remain intact.

As for Elaria's glasses, it is a subjective matter. However, I found it fitting to remove her oval-shaped glasses since I am contemplating giving Clyde glasses of a similar style, though I haven't fully decided yet.

Valery's original look was based on her being the owner of a clothing store, but that will change. While we will still encounter her in the store, she will now be a simple employee and will have many more jobs where we can interact with her.

With Beatrice, I aimed to make her more closely resemble her daughter, Yuri. Previously, she was portrayed as a busy secretary, but I decided to change her profession to that of a lawyer. This change makes her cold personality much more logical, and she will continue to be more focused on her work than on her daughter.

There is still a tremendous amount of work to be done for the first version of the remake. Regardless of whether you end up liking it or not, I wish you the best of luck too! And I'm glad you've enjoyed the journey so far ❤

Renpy says the error is "Translation nodes cannot be run directly" and "game/tl/english/Cap3XQZ.rpy"

I don't know what is causing this failure, maybe you are trying to load a saved game from version 0.10.0

In that case, try loading an more older saved game, or starting the load in the Spanish language and then changing to English

You can also try (several times) the "Rollback" and "Ignore" options below, see what happens

I'm not sure if your issue is that you can't access Discord, or if your problem is that you can't access the channel with the download links. The link to the Discord server is always the same, it's posted on the Itchio page, on Patreon, and even within the game itself for several versions. To access the channel with the download links, you need to verify yourself in the rules channel.

I'm glad you like it! There is no release date for any version yet. But I have recently uploaded a post with all the changes and improvements that are coming for the next version!

Thank you too! I'm glad you like it so much. Bonnie was also happy for the compliment ❤

I hope to see you for the next version!

¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Me alegro de que te haya gustado tanto. Saludos ❤

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que te guste tanto ❤❤
PD: Es Ceina, no Ciena

Oh, that's very strange. Sometimes it happens to me with Mega, that the download freezes at a certain point and doesn't progress.

You can join the Discord server, there are more download links there!

Yep, I've thought about making one, but I don't know when I'll be able to do it

Dont worry buddy, there is nothing to fear, those things will not happen and I'm glad that the game likes you ❤

Thanks for playing ❤

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad I was able to meet my goals and produce nice feelings through the story and its characters. That is the most important thing for me.

I hope it continues like this, I hope to see you for the next version. ❤

Great! I don't understand much about Linux honestly, but if anyone else has the same thing happen to you, I'll tell them this. Thanks for the information ❤

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it so much

And of course, if you have met her at the end of this version, you will know that soon we will be able to spend more intimate and special time with her ❤

Thank you for reporting it! And I am sorry you had that problem. The only thing that I think could cause this error, is that I updated Renpy

In Android, your device should recognize them automatically. On PC, you can save the "save" folder before deleting any version, then transfer the folder to the new version (you can do the same on android to make sure you have the old saves).

Note that I always recommend starting a new game, to avoid any errors. Since the script is constantly changing!

Farewell and thanks for playing ❤

Yep, I have pending to publish the project in Gamejolt. But Subscribestar is not a viable option for me since I should use a bank account (Since the platform does not work with paypal) and that in my country is suicide. And I have Twitter but I'm too boomer to understand how works haha

Thank you!

Yes, that's why I write in the Patreon biography that it's important to join the Discord server. And in the bio of Itchio and BMC, I also leave the latest version public.

Nobody convinced me of anything, this is my way of announcing releases and interacting with users, it's something I had to adapt to.

Before there was a button that redirected to Patreon, but I changed it for a button to BMC since it seemed that Patreon was not going to be a viable option for me anymore. Now I have to add another Patreon button, and another one to Itchio as you said, I will probably do it for the next version, since this one was only focused on extending the gameplay!

Yes! There I also uploaded public posts and exclusive posts on other topics, but not now.

As I mentioned, all the benefits (all tiers Patreons and MembersPremium) are within Discord, and any matter that requires a public post, I do it for Itchio and Discord.

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que te guste tanto ❤

I'm glad you like it!

No, I have not forgotten them. In Patreon I only publish the exclusive wallpapers, and then the other benefits are inside the Discord server, this way, everything is more orderly for me and also other reasons that well know the Patreons.

In BMC the posts are and will be in their majority also exclusive, since here in Itchio is where I create public posts and follow the users with more regularity.

Thanks for playing Winds of the Destiny!

I'm finishing adding a little minigame, and more scenes! When the version is completely finalized and published for Patreons, I will be able to give an exact date of the release of the public version!

Thanks for playing and for comment! ❤

¡Me alegro de que te guste tanto! Y espero tu reseña e impresiones en el servidor de Discord ❤
Saludos y gracias por jugar!

For now, it is only officially available on Windows, Linux and Android. But I am thinking about releasing Mac versions later!
Thanks for comment! ❤

Muchas gracias por los cumplidos! Espero que siga siendo meritorio de tales halagos en el futuro ❤

Aún no hay fecha prevista para el lanzamiento de la version 0.6.0! Y tampoco tengo un tiempo exacto en el cual me tardo en crear nuevas versiones, va variando y tambien depende de que cambios haga en la version
Saludos y gracias por jugar ❤

La próxima actualización 0.5.0 estará disponible de manera publica a fines de Diciembre, o al menos eso espero jajaja. Te recomiendo unirte al server de Discord para estar al día con las novedades.

¡Saludos y gracias por jugar! ❤

¡Hola! Muchas gracias por comentar ❤

La última actualización 0.4.5 expande la historia y mucho más, hay un post publicado al respecto en aquí en Itchio y también en mi Patreon. Para estar al tanto del juego, te recomiendo entrar al server de Discord.

A futuro planeo una mejora de las primeras escenas y animaciones del juego.

Con respecto a la finalización, el juego completo, no sabría decir. También depende del apoyo que reciba en mi Patreon y demás cuestiones. Pero el juego completo podría llevar casi 2 años.


¡Muchas gracias! Si, ese es un poco mi objetivo ❤ Por supuesto te espero para la siguiente actualización. No olvides unirte al server en Discord para cualquier info que pueda relevar. ¡Saludos!

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que así sea ❤ Te espero para el próximo capitulo, ¡saludos!

Thanks for your notice! Now i have corrected it ❤

¡Muchas gracias! Hoy 25/10/2020 ha salido la versión 0.4.5.

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que te haya gustado ❤

Hello! I am Vermelion, creator of Winds of the Destiny.

Few manage to be masters of their destiny. Many give in to duty, others try to rebel and fail in the attempt. What will be your case? Dare, find out. You could say you were leading a normal life, but you always felt different from the rest. You returned from Canada to your hometown after Mom passed away. But everything changed radically the day you met Ceina, (ex) Queen of Heaven. What does your help ask to stop his sister, his counterpart, Satanichia. To do this, you must train and strengthen your powers in a very unique and erotic way. While you continue working in an exclusive Women's Academy, and caring for the little family you still have. Will you be able to fulfill your destiny? From protecting the people you care about? Which path will you choose?

You can learn more about this visual novel that I am developing on the game page here on
I do not extend much since I have uploaded a dev blog talking about myself, my project, and that I am new to this page.
I hope you like my work! If so, please leave me a comment or join Discord. If you want to support me on Patreon, it would be very helpful and a great boost to continue creating games.

You have a great day!