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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for all the comments, this Jam was a lot of fun! I'll address a few of the issues that people have mentioned here:

Text readability 
I got a 4K monitor a few weeks ago, and this is the first game I've written since then. It's pretty readable for me! But I really should've tested it more at 1080p and lower, as it's a lot more difficult to read there. Originally I was going to have no labels and rely on different shaped bottles and coloured liquids, that might be a better approach if I can get the potions to look different enough.

It's too hard to begin with and that really needs fixing, I didn't have enough time to work on this aspect. I think I'd want the potions to drop a lot slower at the start, and reduce the number of different potions to a smaller sample. Then have the drops speed up and increase the number and variety as the number of recipes completed increases.

I forgot to preload the game from the menu! And I should've preloaded the shaders and some of the particle effects too. Lack of testing in the browser was the problem here. 

I'm planning to continue working on this game after the Jam judging is complete. Hopefully I'll address all the above issues and get to add some additional features like special potions that will give time bonuses and other positive effects (and probably some negative ones too!)

The feedback is greatly appreciated.

Fun game! Controls took a little getting used to and the collisions could be more forgiving to the player. But addictive and lots of fun.

Fun game, great concept too. Love the humour!

Great art. Good concept. Great progress for learning the engine and getting something running in a week!

Really good fun and great humour, and you managed all this in 2 days! Awesome!

Really like the game mechanics here, has a lot of potential. I found the visuals to be mostly good, but it was a little confusing at times.  Usually I'd say darker objects are further behind, lighter objects are closer, but here the white pillars you can walk in front of and the darker grey/blue are walls you can't pass, that made it a little confusing at times. Overall this was great though, fantastic work.

Congrats on completing a game. It was fun and played nicely. 

Some good potential there! Scoping a game to fit within a game jams time limit can be tough. Hopefully you'll have time to continue working on this.

Nice art style, and I like the game play itself. Congrats on finishing your first game, that's always a good milestone to reach. You scoped this well to fit with the time limit
