Aha. Čo sa týka FMOD , tak to plne chápem. Ale čo sa týka preferencie stiahnuteľnej verzie, Why not both? Ľudia čo chcú hrať v prehliadači si to zahrajú online a ľudia čo radšej sťahujú si to stiahnu. Samozrejme FMOD online verzii v tomto prípade bráni, ale teraz to myslím všeobecne :D Ja napríklad zo Cyber Security dôvodov preferujem hry v prehliadači. Keď taká možnosť nie je, tak samozrejme sandbox na virtuálnom prostredí funguje, ale ten prehliadač mi príde jednoduchší :D
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In your new game called ember heart, you do not have comment section.
I came here to tell you that it froze in this state for me. Sound kept playing, butit was stuck like this and nothing was moving.
Tip: Consider saving game to local storage to preserve the progress even after page refresh.
Hello. I uploaded my game before deadline using the VR Jam form.
But my game didn't appear in the submissions. I clicked at the button on jam page to submit the game. It prompted me that I do not have any projects uploaded and there was a button to create one so I clicked on that too, filled out the form, uploaded my game, and saved, and I thought that was it. Was there anything more I had to do? It is my first jam ever and I never before uploaded anything, so I might miss something. On the page of my game (https://viciantomas.itch.io/potion-parcel) you can see that the project was created before deadline. IDK how it didn't come trough.
Can you please help me please? I tried to reach you on discord several hours after game jam ended, but I got no response. (username fqd, display name Chlpáč)
What can I do to get my game assigned to this jam?
I just finished another Game Jam and I did the same steps for submission as for this one. That game got automatically assigned to that Jam without me returning back to the Jam page. It is not like I want to win this jam. I know I have no chance, as this was my first game ever made and published. But I just wanted to be included. IDK what I did wrong T_T