I'm having trouble finding the patch notes for the new version that came out a few days ago.
Recent community posts
Feature Request:
Task Bar Updates on "Random Interval"
The idea is that the Task Bar will randomly update between 1 and 5 seconds of when each Task is completed. This gives all players an opportunity to see the progress during the course of the "Day," but while maintaining the uncertainty of who may have completed a task.
Thank you for creating OuterSloth. The games industry is in a horrible state right now, so you folks having the courage to help support other indies out there is a huge breath of fresh air.
Please just remember that NDAs are unethical. It's time for the industry to find better solutions, and rejecting NDAs is the next big step.
Each turn I gain a tonne of actions thanks to the Ore, and then each time I hit a Hercule, I gain a bunch of Block which is then converted to Damage, while also gaining a tonne of stacks of Haste, which leads to even more Block next action. If I can't defeat all enemies by the time I've used up all Actions, I'll still have enough Block to survive whatever attacks come my way, and I have the Swamp Shield to remove any Poison I suffer. And since there are no weapons in this build, I can use Pacifist's Rings too.
Thanks for the Hide and Seek update, InnerSloth!
Sadly the servers and/or client software seem really unstable right now. I attempted 10 matches, and all but one of them disconnected before concluding. Hopefully this is something that just requires a small patch without headaches for you.
Good luck to all of you over the holidays! Get some rest; you've earnt it!
Well, it's just that the JSON Export does seem to successfully preserve changes made with the Warp tool, since the 3D Viewer displays the changes I made. Would you be able to save yourself time and effort by using some of the import code from the 3D Viewer to implement a make-shift Load feature? At least as an intentional hack until you make a full Save/Load feature.
Of course, I recognize that this is software which you're sharing with us for free, so I don't want to ask you to do work that you don't have time and energy to commit to. Although, if you could estimate how long implementation may take, and let the community know what sort of rate you would need per hour to live sustainably, I think some fans of your software may be able to reach that target. Is there a way to contribute to you directly through itch.io or another site other than Patreon?
I really appreciate this amazing work you've done and provided for free. Big kudos!
I am able to Export, but I can't seem to find where to -Import- my JSONs. Since my browser keeps running out of memory as I work with the Warp tool, I wanted to save my work progressively. But then I realized that I can't seem to load the work I've done. I loaded the saved JSON in the 3D viewer, and my Warp changes were definitely saved successfully.
Is Import just not a feature, or am I blind and need someone to show me where it is?