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A member registered Dec 31, 2015

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are you gonna continue this?

some paragraphs are weird/repeats? when she rides you and you put it as "rids you." Also the numbing cream section makes no sense to me. I look forward to chapter 2. 

the font choice isn't the best to read and one sentence overlays on another sentence near the beginning.

Tried that and still really slow.  Anything else I could do?

is there a reason why the game would run slowly? Ive played this long ago and i dont recall it running so badly

Not my cup of tea as far as "content." The story was interesting, but I feel like having on solitary character dedicated to exposition hurts it overall.  Too many headless statues....

I played this current version of the game and I have some thoughts.

I actually lost on my first play when I followed the girl off the bus and was robbed meaning I didn't have any money for rent.  I got to the portfolio making but couldn't complete it because the game says you are too tired to workout at 23 energy. I assume this was intentional since the portfolio says its incomplete. I got to the point of where eve needs help, but I can't figure out what the game wants. I had the game crash in the hall outside your room quite a few times as well. And can you get rid of the necessity to buy toothpaste or soap? The number of times I ran out then had bad breath interrupt several scenes and was just plain annoying. You're already making us click brush teeth, I think we won't question how they're not running out of toothpaste or soap. Overall, there is quite a bit of new content and I'm looking forward to more.

I do wonder if a lot of the questions the game poses to you are necessary and I think a lot of the are connected to the depraved counter I suggested you get rid of. I think a lot of questions could be tied to the plot. As the character becomes used to the attention they receive and comfortable with their new gender, they would respond differently. Say, for example the character starts working at the coffee shop the first day they are a woman. They get a compliment and instead of the game asking how you wish to respond; the character has a negative reaction. The second time they get complimented they react neutrally then the third time they react neutrally leaning positively. The fourth time it becomes positive and the final time very positively. You could remove the randomness of what happens in what order and the character then moves on to bending over scene which has the negative where they immediately stand back up, neutral continue picking up then positive showing her panties. Then move onto getting groped and repeat negative/neutral/positive reaction order. This could only be done by making it, so the character has one job they do at the shop. The characters growth they will be a tutor and after some scenes there they do the glory hole handjob because they are embarrassed to be seen doing it. after getting some exp then unlocks giving the handy at the tutoring and ect.

These are my thoughts, and it would require getting rid of a lot of the randomness and the pseudo choices you give the player in favor of better characterization. You could get the character to bond with eve who could be the characters first time. Add the option to walk in the park with eve for the "bonding" and you know. 

have you considered getting rid of the depraved counter and made it where the character is unwilling to do things until certain story moments? Like the character getting used to being a girl as they go and becomes more open to sexual acts. The character works their job and gets used to being touched by guys and getting tips. This would escalate when they get the tutor job and have guys touch their leg and move on from there. I just find it odd that the character is okay with giving hand jobs when in the story they should still have a hard time with doing that.

Can you add the option to skip the masturbation scene when their hornyness meter fills?

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game bugs out when giving a blow job to a invisible dick at the restroom or crashes the game at the library

the game says create portfolio but does nothing. Don't know if implemented or bugged. Does it require a certain outfit

Makeup is bugged on most outfits where your character has a second floating face

I like the game but it's very buggy especially with ginny in the living room and giving her items at night when she is T posing.  Also it annoys me that when you do anything sexual images of the things you did previously pop in. I kinda get what you may have been going for if that's not a bug but it does not work at all and kinda kills the mood.

In the painting room I think you have to crouch and there is a safe with the code someone else mentioned 951 use the item on the cylinder to get the key

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In the painting room I think you have to crouch and there is a safe with the code someone else mentioned 951 use the item on the cylinder in the living room to get the key

A. You don't even know when the girl will get released

B. The chances of spooking 5+ girls from one girl exiting a locker are really high so you are punished whether you do it sneakily or not

C. I didn't let a single girl see me grab a girl, but it didn't matter because the girls come out of the lockers at a time I can't control, so I lose anyways

interesting idea for a story but not executed very well. The dialogue feels weird, and I didn't find enjoyment reading it. One character points out her mother will sleep with the MC and teases like she wants to sleep with you as well.  Another talks to a friend and acts like she wants to sleep with the MC and then Immediately acts like the first sister is nuts. Then we are introduced to an aunt who also claims that the first sister is nuts after basically breaking into the house and threating you, while knowing that a son lived there. Then we come back to the second sister's friend showing up and you go back to her place.  The MC's dialogue changes to not wanting to have sex with her.  

This is a neat idea, but you need somebody to work on the writing cause none of it is consistent.  At this Point I find it hard to actually want any of the characters cause they all seem nuts. 

neat idea poorly executed with the images not working with the color pallet and the gameplay not even remotely like slot.

Is this game abandoned? I checked the patreon and it said something about a refund, but the post was locked so I couldn't see the rest of it

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1. the card battles slow down the game.

2. The card game mechanics are not good. the stats make no sense, and it makes me wonder what the point of endurance.  Attack is the most important thing then it doesn't matter if you or your opponent plays a type stronger than the other card. So, endurance and attack don't matter just type unless neither you nor your opponent, have cards that are weak to each other, then its attack alone matters unless there is a tie.

Basically, the card game needs an overhaul to make it enjoyable because it's kind of just insipid and annoying to play. The strong goblin is almost impossible to kill, and I have no interest to continue trying to fight it anymore. 

I got the goblins a job got the ability to fish and made them a stew and then they asked me to take the dog into the forest for more mushrooms and I was done. 

I like the premise, but a lot of the things need a whole rework

can you lower how many times you have to do the lab puzzle to complete it because it bothered my eyes

I like slow burn stories BUT I have one huge complaint, and this maybe due to my eyesight, The minigame at the science lab is awful. Maybe doing the three boxes once would have been tolerable but doing it 3 times every time you do it felt almost like I was torturing myself. 

I have two logs saying update in next version. Is there anymore content before I continue?

Well if your going for that you have to change the story based on the players inputs. change the characters back story based on what the player puts as relation because i put in something and the dialog made no sense at all.

Why does it say role play and customize when not long after it starts she is revealed to be your daughter? You might as well just point out that its father daughter incest if that's the story you are going for.

Is English your first language? You need a proofreader because the dialogue is atrociously bad. I would continue reading but every other line annoys the heck out of me. I got to the part in the living room talking to your sister about a show at the beginning and stopped.

I found the characters faces extremely creepy and that was where I became so unnerved that turning it off and deleting it was my first reaction. You may have put a lot of work into it but the uncanny valley made me too uncomfortable to get very far at all. Sorry because I can tell you put a lot of effort into this

thank you and I'm sorry if my computer ignorance gave you a lot of work.

do your other games require that directx?

i still cant get it to work. i downloaded and extracted the files and this is the second time I've downloaded that update. I may just be ignorant about how to get things to work.

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I went and downloaded direct x9 and I cant get it to work so I'm stumped

i have directx12