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A member registered Feb 18, 2020

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I really dont have much to say other then WOW.This was jawdropping.Amazingly good art and a really impactful story.You didnt have to go so hard but im so glad you did.Thanks for the amazing VN.

This was a great story y'all great work.The runtime is perfect and the pacing is great.Our two protags are very entertaining,and even though we dont spend much time with them their relationship is very believably written.They feel like a couple thats been together for a while.And watching the tension slowly grow was a show.The two noir sprites are an absolute treat visually.The argument scene was nicely done i was very much in the "Benny get his ass" camp but when Xavier said his peace i did step back and go "yeah i can see the frustration of both parties and its not about whos more wrong its about how will they fix this issue" the argument didnt feel one-sided.Althogh my one teeny tiny issue is that i feel Benny threw all the blame on himself all too quickly and without much pushback from Xavier.Like after Xavier shared his feelings all of Bennys valid arguments were thrown down the canals.But like i said its really only a small part and the ending was great.Them learning how to be better partners toward one another is a great way to end it off.Once again y'all fantastic work.You can truly tell this was a labor of love (cue the laugh track!!!!)

Also i laughed when Xavier was like "Benny's put on a few pounds" meanwhile the sprite is jacked and has the flattest stomach known to man.

Oh hi Raus,thanks for the reply.Im glad to see i didn't upset you with my comments.And yeah i have no doubts ill enjoy the rest of the VN,i loved the previous few updates so much and im sure it'll only get better the more story and answers we get.Thanks for being such a chill guy,hope you take care and have a nice day.

Oh god ok,listen Raus and everyone im saying this in advance i love this VN.Just putting that out there cause unfortunately i did not vibe with this update.

Firstly,congratulations on finishing the first route of the game! It was a long journey to get here and its awesome you made it this far! Also i hope you and your family and loved ones will stay safe i can't imagine the stress youre under.

.......So time to get into it.All in all i have like only two gripes with this update and they are as follows:

1. Burrys thoughts about how he is stronger than Luke and how there is no one to stop him and that Luke would be powerless and helpless to oppose Burry.Yeah i guess this may be me projecting my own tastes but idk Burry practically saying "I could rape Luke and nobody can stop me" while in the middle of having sex made me feel super uneasy and left me looking at burry in a less favourable light.Again its your story,you have the final say but I just feel like we could have gone without that and it sadly soured the experience of that scene for me.

2. I understand that not everything will be answered here but having the epilogue be a bullet point list is very underwhelming,I felt like so much was skimmed over.I get that its probably because more is to come so this wont be the final end but still as is right now it feels incomplete.

Im really sorry i was so negative in this one,but I cannot stress this enough I still love this VN and im sure the rest will be great.Hope you stay safe and have a good day Raus,bye.

ok so i just spam clicked ignore on the error screen and the issue only comes up during the hinterlands chapter cause chapter 14 prior,and everything after hinterlands works fine

Hi idk where else to write for help so here goes,basically when i get to the hinterlads 2 chapter i just get an error screen,everything prior to it worked normally but after the line "the bull and i set off" its just an error screen,any ideas?

Lol yeah ok I might be misremembering still I consider it a fun interpretation if nothing else but i'm glad we at least agree on the blue balling bit.Also I did just this second realize I completely forgot Alon's whole scene so whoopsie

You know I realized something after playing this update.Looking back at every horny scene in the game one thing is always the same,Luke is never an active participant,he can only watch.At best he gave a handy to rune but he himself was left unsatisfied.The bath scene where you cant join,the sequence with alon and rune (admittedly that is a dream sequence but I feel my point still stands).Every time something horny is happening Luke can only sit there and watch,never participate,never recieve any pleasure.Idk if it was intentional but to me this adds to that feeling that Luke has of always being on the outside looking in,always being alone,no matter if people are right next to you.Also Raus this is a callout post directed to you stop blue balling us and let Luke fuck!Great work as always,have a nice day!

I got really curious about this VN when I saw Zhan's animation on twitter and I'm glad I got another cool VN to follow.The big thing I'm curious about right now is of course the mystery of how we got here,and I'm excited to learn about the world.Also considering the MC already has a boyfriend (even if he doesn't remember him rn) I am curious about Cooper and if he will only ever be a friend to the MC and not a love interest.If that will be the case I'm honestly on board with it it would make for a nice twist on how these VN's usually operate (I'm not bashing them btw I'm a sucker for a good romance VN).To keep my rambling short this was a very good start to this visual novel I'm super exited to see it unfold.(Ok one last thing,This is a great team you have and while I was looking at the dressing room CG I couldn't shake the feeling that the style was familiar and then I saw that Moose worked on the art and it all made sense to me)

Dang this is a great first build!I honestly didn't expect the direction this is going in but I really dig it.Also that to be continued fakeout was so funny and I loved the little cameos in that club cg.Im already hooked and I cant wait for more you are one hell of a team.

Huh will check it out sometime,but hey a broken clock is right twice a day so even Teak can make a good point once in a while.I also had hesitations the first time around but after that bad end if you don't set the turret to auto I was always down for automating it,while yeah this wasn't the smartest of moves on Luke's part in hindsight I totally get why he did do what he did,he just wanted to stop feeling isolated from everyone else.I just hope the consequences of that wont be too dire.

Huh weird I don't remember Teak ever talking to Luke about him automating the turret

Hi Raus!Im not here with a block of text rant this time! (again,sorry about that) HOLY SMOKES for a shorter update this was stacked with content.When Max finally started laying into Teak I felt all of that built up frustration suddenly release,thank you for this gift.But then man I also felt a sting when Max went "oh man I shouldnt have yelled at Teak" I really felt the creeping realization and hurt like Luke did.Also its so interesting that we learned about Lukes status as possibly the last human alive,thats wild.Also it was very cathartic seeing Luke finally air out his frustrations with the rest of the gang.And oh my god that last line gave me chills i'm so pumped for whats coming next.Keep up the great work and take care!

(1 edit)

Ok this short story was really fun and very hot and Burry's reactions to the questions Luke asked were great.The rest of the bath hangout was so good! The more I learn about Rune the more I love him and that speech he gave was equal parts hilarious and heartwarming every new update is a joy to go through.

Now if you would humor me for a bit one of the lines Rune said set me off about Teak again I know im sorry.To be specific while I like Teak as a character and what he brings to the table some of the actions of the surrounding characters in his story confuse me but specifically Burry and Rune.It feels like every time Teak is doing something to Luke the rest of the characters are suddenly blind and Teaks antagonizing is not exactly well hidden considering Burry picked up on it.When Luke came to Burry and said "hey Teak really hates me what's up with that and can something be done to stop it" and Burry was like " I think you're overreacting and letting your hurt feelings cloud your judgement of him" that stung,I was confused how the Burry who saved Luke,helped him establish shelter and said to Luke that Luke saved him could be the same person that invalidated his feelings,told him "well he hates all non-canine species not just humans" and tries to get him to make peace and understand him really left a sour taste in my mouth,he did gain a few points back by promising to talk to Teak about it but still.And with Rune his line in this update where he said "I would protect this place from anyone trying to disrupt the safety of anyone seeking sanctuary in shelter" my first thought was "where was this energy with Teak?!" He's the chief of the dogs how has he not picked up that his best friend is getting bullied.My gripe is that these 2 spout how Luke saved them and how they're best friends but neither of them have done squat about the Teak situation it basically makes them walking contradictions (I'm not counting Burry until I hear about or see that conversation with Teak happening).I also wanna see like a crumb of consequences for Teaks behavior cause rn he gets away with pretty much anything.

I'm sorry this one was as negative as it was I'm not trying to come from a place of hate I love this VN dearly and every new update brightens my day and the cast are great boys,this whole block of text isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I hope you don't take it to heart.Take care!

!!!!!Spoilers for build 10!!!! just so no one can get mad at me.But a thought just randomly hit me today.Raus you said there was no way to beat Teak in this current build and that got me thinking,and your words along with Alons gave me a really good idea.What does Luke have now that he didn't when he fought Teak?What piece of the puzzle was missing in that scenario?What would be,in Alon's words,an asspull needed to beat Teak?Perhaps something like,oh i dont know,a sword given to Luke by his friend and chief of the canines that could quite possibly hold some mana powers similar to Burry's knife.Just food for thought.

Besides this little theory of mine great job on this update!I loved the fight,the music really upped the atmosphere of it.I loved all of Luke's interactions with Rune they made my heart melt you could really tell they're good friends.And you really got me interested in Teak which is a feat considering I could barely stand the dude before lol.And all these different end scenarios phew!Overall I have nothing but praise for this update every time I play this game it makes me really happy.Great work!

Also a little fun side-note: when I saw the Teak now knows how to use human mana popup I audibly went "Oh no".That whole scene was chilling nice job.

I really enjoyed this update but yeah I saw a previous commenter have a long rant about Teak and I feel the same as him,I need that character development to hit soon,but I did like that Coop yelled at him in one scenario so yay for that.There are 2 issues have so far,one the sounds during coopers massage scene were extremely off-putting it just felt wrong and it made the whole thing incredibly unpleasant,two I really dont like Burry's disregard of Luke's concerns when it comes to Teak its a sour spot on an otherwise great chatracter.Idk if you'll ever read this but hey im just throwing my thought into the void here.Sorry if this coment seems negaive i assure you i love this game but you know nothing is perfect,can't wait for the hangout with the boys,keep up the great work :)

(1 edit)


Man Basket i didn't understand the phrase "my blood ran cold" until this update cause during that scene my hands and feet were ice cold.Great work on getting the feeling of dread and betrayal right cause as stated it made me physically react to what was going on.Thankfully you are merciful so you did give us some nice wholesome and some less wholesome ;) moments between Kei and Yuu so my heart rate returned to normal.Overall an incredibly good update,cant wait for next month :) Although the scene where Yuu punched Keisuke when he said that maybe they should break up was kind of a yikes moment for me.That's probably what you were going for but it was rough to see.Not to end on a sour note,this game makes me really happy keep up the good work.!

Im definitely looking forward to seeing how this story plays out.The background art and character sprites look amazing and this was a hefty update,took me around 2 hours to go through it.Great first impressions and im really enjoying the cast and their dynamics.Im amazed at how high quality everything is great work.Hope you have an enjoyable time working on this vn.

Im gonna miss Mac's flirting at the end of day one but hey i have the old build saved and a scene like that will probably exist in the future.Overall great update i was looking forward to Maccon's rework the most(cause i like big kind wolves),Davids introduction was fun and i can't wait to see him talk more.I just hope we don't shatter poor Tom's heart too much his route rework made me actively like the concept of a relationship between him and Jayce.

Yeah while i was playing through the route this is what i was thinking:

As tempting as the idea is the dude is running a one man show with 4 routes so idk i'd hold off on it.

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Has anybody gotten the meera scene and if so what do i do to get it?