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A member registered Oct 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry I have question, text based? Like CoC and Trial in Tainted Space? and does it have like H-scene art or CG thingy in it or just plain text based as the two games I've mentioned? 

I believe there are a lot of those who use the itch app is the only one who has this problem. Try the web version maybe?

Now, wait a minute. Go back here and pray tell, who is this Lisa? I know Karryn. But Lisa? Is that the game name or the dev/artist name?

Idk why... Either its my old-potato laptop or its the game, it used to be smooth sailing. but now... The game is soooo laggy every time I enter the fight. I've turned off all the necessary thing to get the performance up. But still lag and worse... Crash. I've search and read in forum section about bug and stuff, seems I'm not the only one experience it... So... Idk... 

Or maybe now the game is getting better and getting fat with the file size and it need better graphic card and better PC performance like big boys stuff. 

I know this must be a late reply, but heck... 

This problem might or may be a problem from itch itself. Happens with other games too on itch.

When you download directly from your phone, it will failed you (idk why). But when you download it through or with pc/laptop, it will not fail you. 

I hope that'll help.

Personally, I will take that side quest from bulletin board when I have full team + got my free weapon or even buy it myself. 

Its difficult for me to become pure. Lol. 

I believe the healing ability is only for the other chick you've met at the bar. I forgot her name. I never know Jenna could heal. So... Yeah... Or maybe the dev add new ability to jenna that heals? Idk... Yet.

I think there's a shop in monster city that change your hairstyle and dye it too. 

At first, I was like, "oh, a platformer game... Hardpass."

But then, I grow curious and start downloading and playing the game.

After an hour or around 30 minutes, I was like, "Oh... This is interesting. What that creature does then... How about this one?"

Another minute passed and I be like, "that's it... This is why I never play platformer game. I'm sucks at it".

Played a few or couple hours, my first impression is mixed between confused but yet curious. 

Confused : I feel lost after prologue. I know I have quest log, but still... I feel lost, not knowing what to do first. Should I make myself pretty and just stay home until class start? Or should I follow the quest line? Or just do as I please and the game won't punish me because of it later on? Because... From my experience, a lot of these kind of "explore as you please" kind of game is kinda trapping you and punish you out of nowhere without "warning" and kinda give you "the ending" you don't want and have to restart all from the start. 

And Emillie (correct me if I misspelled her name) or what I called her as "the tutorial girl" is just kinda show me how to shop, dress, do make up and that pretty much it. She didn't tell me I can eat at certain time after I found out myself a few in game days forward I run around "exploring". And... Idk what eat (breakfast, lunch and dinner) does to my stats. Is it giving me a boost for my mood? Is it making me fat? Idk... Or maybe I didn't even notice it? That's why I said it's confusing.

One more thing, this is just general question, is this game have sound in it? Like ambiance or some background music? Moaning and all that thing? Just asking... Because I didn't hear anything, yet the game file have some audio file in it if I'm not mistaken? 

So far... That's what my first impression for this game. I know it's still in development and I hope that in future updates till release date this game will get even better.

Oh, the pros?

Yes yes ..

1. Interesting storyline (for me at least)

2. Funny character (for me at least)

3. I know how the MC feel when you choose male origin. Somewhat related if I could say that. Not like body switch experiment thingy. But you know what I mean.

4. Customized character. And clothes. Which I see there will be more to add in the future.

That's all... Bye...

This is what I'm talking about... the Vibrodash thingy didn't show up. I guess I'll report it thru discord then.... 

hehe... Nvm... Somehow the game fix itself... At that time, the "vibrodash" thingy didn't even show up; just the icon. And now, literally just now, after I delete the file and re-extract it... It shows up. 

The save file? the autosaves file? the sav file? or the whole folder? and how do I do that? attach it here or...?

Ok, so... I finally able to play it again on pc version and I think it has bug in it... I play it from very first time... And then I get into the point where I get to use my Vibrosuit skill thingy... But when I click on it, the button didn't do anything. I tried every key but to no avail. At this point, the game is unplayable for me, at least on pc. Is that even a bug or am I missing something here? I did not encounter such things on Android tho.

Well would you look at that... Mr.Falcon covering this game...

Wait really? But how can you do the planting the bug thingy in the jail tho? Is there another way?

I always want to play 2 version on my save file, one is pure one is perverted kind of thing. But everytime I get to that scene when you need to plant the bug inside the jail, I need to have at least 20 perv to be able to plant the bug by "distracting" the guards (i guess; or that what I remember).

Yup. That part really neeeeed a patient, I walk like one step at a time. 

I was just downloaded this game again yesterday and about to find or even ask solution about that job board not showing properly, and this game just got updated today. I thought it was just me... 😅

ah, yes. That's must be the problem. Usually it only happens for the android link, but this time, idk why its happening with the pc win 64 link too. Anyway, thanks for reminding that problem, might try to download it from pc straight away from now on. ^_^

Always failed at the end of download? How?

So far, there are none recruitable female goblin. I think this "selki" will give you special scene, than any common goblin encounter. I don't want to spoil anything in the game more than that. Have fun exploring.

I think, that person is referring to the "pulsing animation" on battle scene? Maybe. 

The thing about SKIP button is, they skip all. Not just the one we already encountered. 

Like back when I was doing an ironman run, and encounter a lot of drow/beast mistress? I lock the skip button (because I got annoyed for how many are they roaming around the map). But then, *poof* the choice that have given by them is not the usual ones. 

I forgot what the choices are, but I think its the event when the drow finally got Hiro by a trap they've set. And, because I didn't catch what they've said, I choose "the wrong answer" and my back door virginity finally gone by em'.

And I think there are other event that have like 2 or more scene besides drow. 

The thing is, the skip button is somewhat helpful to go thru all those replay dialog, yet it can be a turn off if the player is not careful.

I usually use autoread with speed of 6-7 instead of skip. 🤭

Tales of Androgyny community · Created a new topic Memes??

Been following your games for long time (not from the start) but now I finally decide to comment lol...

Love the new UI its cute <3 but I think it still need a little tweak with the font for the uh... Filter? 

and one more thing, idk if this already in your list or not or maybe "not gonna happen"... But, I think inventory, skill and char status menu (should?) Be able to be opened in the city. Its kinda throw off my immersion/role playing in the world of ToA a little bit...

Ex, "oh i just bought armor and weapon, welp, time to head out of the city to equip them..." 

See what I mean there? 

But hey, if the game can't support that kind of feature, its just fine by me. Still my favorite game over all the mainstream game out there. And always waiting for the new content and art. Lovely you two. Thank you deeply for making such beautiful game like this. *Hiro Lusty potrait* lol