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A member registered 95 days ago · View creator page →

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Great take on the theme! I thought of "sanity decay" for the jam as well but couldn't find a way to go about it. Making all the game sounds with your voice was a nice touch too. Well done!

I'd have to agree with the comment below about dashing off the edge, but it does add an element of difficulty to timing the boosts. Very fluid controls though! Cool art style as well. Well done!

The art is suuuper cool, great idea for theme integration as well! Had some trouble getting back into the ship if I wasn't blasting the jetpack but it was negligible after a while. Well done!

This is so good, I love the execution of the theme. Really well done! Made me feel like I was a kid playing Jumping Flash while my uncle was drunkenly ranting about politics in the same room. Laughed out loud a couple times

Yeah they're sodium ions haha, I admittedly had that as a placeholder until I thought of something better but time was running out so I just rolled with it. Thanks for the criticism!

This is so sick! Love the overall aesthetic and feel. Really nailed it.

Love the art and the rotating world perspective! Would be cool to see some rocket flames being emitted even without the powerup on.

Great idea for the twist! I'd agree with Volder about the difficulty, would be nice if your movement was also affected after defeating every bird. Congrats on your first game/jam as well! Keep at it!

Loved the UI and overall presentation, the punchiness of the projectiles is super satisfying as well! Would be cool to be able to shoot by holding down the button as well so you could focus more on the jetpack mechanic.

Good point, particle system not being available in 2D stumped me, I'll have to work on adding effects and tighten up the visuals. Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

Thank you! Just updated it with a few new graphics and some bug fixes. I'll definitely be fleshing it out with some additional features in my free time.