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VirtuaVirtue's Backlog

A member registered Mar 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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this is admittedly a tech demo through and through. the project switched engines and this is what the project was half-way through development, before all of it was scrapped

the new version will use a separate custom 3d engine, now with support for polygons and complex environments, you may see this new version of REM in the near or distant future

it basically is open source, although not very conveniently

i made this mod in UndertaleModTool, so if you open the file in UndertaleModTool, you will see exactly what i worked with

im responsible for a modding channel in the downwell discord though, which includes the docs i made for getting started

the docs include tutorials for making a style and new items!

there is a text file included with detailed instructions on how to install the mod, its short and quick

thats a strange situation youre in, unfortunately im unable to at the moment, if you describe why you cant download it from itch i might be able help

i have no idea about the GOG and Android versions, but i dont have the time to attempt such a port anymore, sorry

the rooms are all randomly generated using a variable called "emotion"

i had more plans for emotion but had to cut them due to time, currently emotion lowers the deeper you go so the rooms get spookier the further you go

if necessary, you could use Wine for MacOS to emulate a Windows version of Downwell

very simple and fairly fun, gets the job done. has huge potential as some sort of flood escape speedrun game

super charming, easily kept me interested, the plot hooked me instantly, really nothing i can say negatively about this lil experience

i played the game solo and had a lot of fun with it, you learn how to control both characters at once pretty quickly and i began blasting through areas i was having trouble with

i found the visuals to be very charming, and while the hitboxes for the blocks was somewhat hard to make out at times, it never felt unfair when i died

for anyone into the feeling in games like celeste where movement slowly becomes an elegant dance through obstacles, i would highly recommend trying this one out

i adore this game, from the lighting to the sound design to even the little saved animation, its oozing with charm.
in terms of gameplay, not much new is being brought to the table, but its definitely excelling at its tried and true formula.

i think the biggest strength of the game is the presentation though, its very neatly wrapped together and very appealing, good work.

fantastic game, won it from a giveaway done by pico-8 gamer

no criticisms here, except maybe the final boss was a tad long, super fun throughout, very short n' sweet

super cool, had a lot of fun randomizing and seeing the result, the background is really nice and pretty too.

really fun for 1k, very impressive too, even visually appealing, lots of things that i didnt expect to see in one 1k game

fun gimmick and fair amount of depth in the hammer mechanic, the knockback from the hammer has the potential to launch you into enemies, which creates some very harrowing moments

my high score is

me when i stare into the umbra and it stares back