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A member registered Sep 04, 2020

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That makes sense on the hardsuit front, I imagine that it's an extra careful balancing act with anything that makes pilots tougher than they already are.  The blurry line between heavy hardsuits and size 1/2 mechs exists is diagetic!

On the topic of tech attacks, that makes perfect sense, and I look forward to seeing what y'all do with it! Also, since I don't know where else to put it, I'll say here that I love the Puppet Systems hardsuit; that's the exact kind of high-risk for high-impact reward shenanigans that I reckon would end up being fun in play.

For the Peacekeeper, that makes complete sense and is also hilarious. My question is if you need to expend the limited charge to power up its ability, and then expend another limited charge to fire?

Again, I love what y'all have done so far, and I look forward to seeing how it turns out!

(2 edits)

From a preliminary readthrough, this looks aces overall. I like the use of damage mods +d6 vs. other pilots; I think that's a pretty elegant solution to the issue of pilot weapon damage.

At this time, the only thing that stood out to me as immediately odd was how most hardsuits besides the GMS and IPS-N (and maybe the HORUS) ones seem pretty useless due to, among other things, the lack of HP bonuses without ED/EV increases or other compensation. One example of this is the STAMBHA Overarmor. It gives +0 armor, +0 HP, 10/10 defenses, 4 speed, assisted, and +1 difficulty against ranged attacks targeting you if you stay still. This exchanges +3 HP for assisted and a potential -1D over the GMS light hardsuit. Assisted is potentially quite good, though probably mostly for the range on the Heavy Sig (due to the lost damage from loading dropping its damage below the other options) unless you're going into melee (in which case it's hard to stand still, and you'll probably really want extra HP). If you really want that heavy slot, then the GMS assault hardsuit exchanges 2 EV/ED and the -1D for +1 armor and +3 HP, which is probably worthwhile both at range (where you can compensate for the malus by using cover; another -1D on top of heavy cover gives diminishing returns) and in melee (where you've got higher odds of taking small-arms fire, where the armor and HP both do work.

Basically, all-in-all, the hardsuits that don't give HP seem to be, generally, lacking compensation for it. HORUS's hardsuits are odd, since armor doesn't do as much when you don't have enough HP to take more than one or two hits anyway. (And also because, for the Void, I thought pilots couldn't be targeted by tech attacks anyway?) It feels odd that HA doesn't have many tools for tanking (besides the Buckler), and for SSC the Panoply seems possibly great, since speed is especially useful when it's hard to increase and you won't be boosting often if you want to attack, but the Overcoat doesn't do much of anything in combat (which is only odd because all other options do have in-combat effects; if these were all more narrative bonuses then I'd be aces with it).

For weapons: is it meant that you need to find a way to increase the Peacekeeper's limited charges before you can use its special ability, since each shot consumes a charge? Also, the Wink-gun seems like it could be an Upgrade, since it's flavored as a hidden weapon that only has one shot (it having heavy is also odd in light of that, more so because no HORUS hardsuits have the assisted trait).

Also, when you overcharge as a pilot, do you take energy damage? If you overcharge multiple times (via ICEPACK  and Juice both used in one scene), do you take 1 Energy and then 1d3 Energy?

Also, is Brawl meant to only be useable against other pilots, or can you target mechs with it? If so, someone in DURENDAL can put out respectable damage against mechs, attacking for 2d3+1 as a quick action. That isn't a ton, but it's a lot more than most of the other options available to pilots.

Overall, this looks rad! I think you've done a fantastic job of expanding the pilot combat rules into something that actually looks useable, and I love how you've used and updated so many of the cut pilot gear options.