I understand the dlc is not required, but because the icons appear on the android edition, are there plans to make the dlc available for android?
Recent community posts
some characters are more resistant to being dominated, goblins in particular are difficult, when trying to get the oral satisfaction ending for the goblin it has taken 64 tries without success. I think it's easier now but still rather difficult.
Some characters outright can't be fucked into submission. If you look on the right side there's an arrow tab that you can pull out over the combat dialogue that lists the ways they can be beaten like orally satisfied, dominated, or lose to them like orally knotted.
Different techniques alter your status like how aroused (quickly you will cum from an activity) or how much stamina they take up as well as changes the word flavoring.
As far as hunger goes, you pick up food, you can forage while resting, convince a dryad to share, drink from the healing lake, buy food from vendors, suck dicks, and get a hunger charm from a cashe which reduces food requirements.
ok so first off you'll see your own junk in the left corner, if it's not erect, you can't do the fucking. You can raise arousal by using seduce, letting them do stuff to you, or sometimes during grapples, they might grind instead of struggle, there is more to it but these are the basics. If you want a quick method, try full Nelson, grapple until you can takedown or judo throw, resume grappling, in the top middle there should be a series of squares, the closer to your side the more advantage they have, the closer to theirs the greater your position is. Getting all the way to their side will allow you to penetrate if you are aroused enough. If you decide to pull out or stand up while aroused, you can fuck them in several stances, one when they are prone/laying down, you can pounce, or facefuck them. If they are kneeling or on all fours you can pounce, or open up (iirc that's what it's called) then if you simply keep grappling/holding while standing and don't take them down you can do a standing penetration when you reach maximum advantage. If you need more tips, try reading the tutorials when you start a new game and/or when you get into your first match.
if I've got it right, that means you are in the second section already, and reaching the farthest outpost. If they offer cursed armor/underwear than I think we're talking about the same place. If so, there shouldn't be anything past it yet, right outside should be some of the more unique enemies (dark knight, jester, minotaur at least that's where they spawn for me) if we're thinking of the same area, the only way to "advance" is to go back through the labyrinth(minotaur) to the main world, which will take you back to mount xiuh if memory serves me right.
If you have advanced from the beginning and talked to the priest in the first town, I believe she gives you a quest for a cod piece, if you bring it back I think she requires it to be enlarged, by the witch from the cottage from the goddess of mount xiuh quest.
The main reason I'm not more sure, is because I've had trouble playing on my phone (not enough ram to deal with brigadines.) So I figure if I've got anything wrong someone would probably correct me.
if I've got it right, it should be a code, numbers or letters that creates a specific map layout, idk if it's implemented or anything but iirc that's what it does. So for example you load up a game with a mage but want to do the same map with a different build, save the seed number and plug it in when you start a new game, and you'll have the same map for an enchanter build.
Midway through the forest just past the island with a mermaid, off to the right usually.
The first part of the game I consider everything up to crossing the river after the first town, the second being the large section/hub that leads to the rest, being second town, witches cottage, altar, and caves. If you go to the top left path out, you'll be headed toward the giantess, top right heads to the mountain with the first "boss" bottom right would be witches cottage, bottom left would be back to the first town.
Past the first boss will take you to the second region, here there aren't many locations per se, just most of the newer encounters. The jester, dark knight, minotaur, etten, elemental, and vampires can be found here, as well as most of the tougher variants of regular monsters. There is a stronghold that allows you to buy a new codpiece for the priestess, and some cursed armor.
iirc, bitch is for getting anally knotted by the wereslut three times.
Queen has to do with beastmistress though I can't remember if it has to do with the cat or her specifically. Basically try quicksaving before encountering, then try your options, if there is a check for queen score, that's the one you're looking for.
well it looks like you have two options.
1. Have agility stat at 8 and increase arousal until you can masturbate at camp.
2. Have both companions Trudy and Kylara and again raise arousal until you can masturbate
I don't know if you need a charisma check for the friends, but in the reblog it listed an enemy putting you into the position, I haven't figured out who, but I have suspicions that it's the brigand, but I haven't really gotten much of a chance to test it out.
I've noticed a couple of posts in the main bugs thread, and I'm kinda curious about the other android users here. I'm on android, galaxy j7 to be specific. I have trouble when encountering any brigands, the centaur village for the ending, and the mouthfiend Lura castle. The team told me it was likely due to insufficient ram. So I'm just curious if anybody else shares these problems, or if there are other areas you can't access on the APK.
I just got another error code, failed to allocate 14517904 bytes with 16777216 free bytes and 31 mb until oom requiring 14520320 where largest contiguous free 726208 bytes. I'm assuming it's another ram crash, but I just figured I'd post this one as well just in case as it's different than my past one. If at all possible, an attempt to reduce ram usage would be appreciated. Thanks again, I still appreciate the hard work.
so I recieved the error code for Lura
Failed to allocate 1677356 bytes with 16777216 bytes and 37mb until oom
I'll try getting the others again next.
I attempted to see what the other codes were, but none actually had any shown up. I attempted to open the pervert menu, brigand standard, brigand weak, and the mare ending location loaded the space where both the strange castle and centaur camp appear but it wouldn't allow me to enter. Upon attempting to activate any of them, it would simply shut down, without an error message of any sort.
Sorry, yes the android version, I'm unsure if it has something to do with my phones system, but whenever I go though my files to find it, it just shows up as empty, the settings are supposed to show hidden files, but it still shows up empty.
Something like this- my files/ sd card/ android/ data/ com.majalis.talesofandrogyny /files- and there is nothing showing.
Currently on latest version (June 2019) and I can't access the mare ending, lura ending, brigands of any kind, or the pervert menu. I've only had the error page show up on lura, but when I go to my files, there is no error document to post.
Secondary location paths show up, like entering the strange castle for lura, but once the tile is activated it crashes.
I get where you're coming from, but basically if you want changes in the game, you have several options, one you could talk to the community and hope to change it's mind, hard to do. Two, you can basically become a patron and use your votes to change the game, more effective because even if it doesn't go through, it's still up for consideration later.
I'd love for it to be more consensual, I frankly wouldn't have to change much of anything but the dialogue at least, like the flavor option for pucca. I'd like more stuff but I'll take what I can get.
There are a couple of ways to make things easier as far as starving goes
When you build a character elfblood uses less food but takes longer to level up, from 2 apples to 1 per move.
If you gain a few achievements you can buy extra skill points during character builds allowing for higher overall stats. Perception, and charisma in particular are helpful.
If you level up perception and scout caches before going to them, you can potentially find a hunger charm, if you equip it, it reduces food consumption further by half. Mainly helpful when you have more than one party member.
If you have high charisma, you can beg dryads for food for free.
if you have money you can buy food from random travelers or stores, if you stay at inns they feed you.
Certain items are meant to be eaten like jelly from the slime, and baby spider from the spider cave encounter.
Giving blowjobs helps reduce hunger as well.
Edit: returning to the alter where you meet the angel allows you to return to the first town, you can also buy scrolls that allow you to return to town. I can't remember where but iirc it's the witches cottage in to forest to the right side of the first map.
thanks for the advice, I've tried uninstalling and re-installing before but every time I try, all my saves stay there, frankly I'm going to try just deleting my saves next and hope that helps.
Edit:tried again, deleted every save and uninstalled/reinstalled, still having trouble. Is there maybe a location that some data is stored when I uninstall? When i reinstalled it showed I still had my old achievements unlocked.
I've been having trouble with brigands for a while, specifically every time I encounter the standard brigand my game crashes, not the cut purse but any other variant.
I'm not sure why this is happening, I'm playing on android, if I try to continue or load and re-encounter it simply crashes again. I tried posting about it in bugs but I haven't gotten any reply on a while.
It's rather frustrating because I'll have to abandon entire playthroughs because some choke point will be cut off by them, for example I can't even fight at the mountain to get to the second map with my latest.
I've been having trouble on mobile, any time I go to a brigand space, my game crashes.
To be more specific if I move to any brigand besides the cutpurse, it will shut down. Scouting allows me to see where they are but I still can't interact with them. I tried quick save and quick load as well as standard load and just continue but none seem to work and the game just shuts down again.
The next issue I've been having is with the alpha harpy. If I surrender or get defeated, it doesn't add to the cuckoo stat check, and as of yet between finding enough harpies and avoiding the brigands, I have yet to complete the achievement.
I think it would be nifty if you had a personality option, or catamite levels. They would change the dialogue more and more favorably. Starting with zero, all the text is rather nonconcentual, one is reluctant/denying, two is somewhat enjoying themselves, and three is outright enjoyment/slutty. You also have the option of using a stat check, like oral enthusiast talks more favorably during oral scenes alone, or cum drinker has your character savoring it instead of being grossed out all the time. I also feel like it wouldn't be much work on the team anyway since most encounters have some sort of stat check, just add another one, and initially it doesnt even need art.
My next idea would be a dating mode/dynamic, instead of everybody fighting, with each encounter everyone has more enjoyable sex. First time you meet the harpy she dive bombs you, the second you catch her hunting, the third she's nesting and eventually you can have a "good end" the main thing that gives me this idea, is the whole bad end thing that already exists for this game, if you could turn encounters positive or in your favor, why not end positively.
Then I kinda want a better topping setup. I know the game is somewhat punishment oriented, but I'd still like to see some more positive or dominant situations, like the dullahan, or minotaur.