Thank you! I'm glad you had a good time playing our game.
We didn't think of adding hints. It is a good thing to keep in mind for the next time. Thanks for the idea!
Surprisingly enjoyable for such a simple idea.
The gameplay is simple, but deep (pun intended). It is basically evade and jump over obstacles, but the other "competitors' and the "extra life" that you can loose it if you are not fast enough, combined with the limited jumps over time complicate the gameplay in a very fun way.
Also, the art style is so cute I'm melting while writing this. No note here :))
I like this game. it's short and fun.
The controls are a little fast for how precise some of the movement needs to be, but it's more then manageable. And some levels are more of a try and error then puzzle, but over all it was nice.
What I can say that I really like are the visuals and the audio. The visual, while simple, the are very cute. and the calming music does makes you feel like in a dream.
A full screen button would very nice (at least for the web version, this is the one I played), but that should be a quick fix from the project settings and it's not like it's unplayable without
I'd love if you give mine a shot. I'm a little short on reviews and I'd love to know your thoughts.
True, I totally forgot the jump button. Thank you for pointing it out. Sorry for that.
I wanted to add more levels with different levels of difficulty but didn't had the time.
And yeah, I want to make the game challenging, but I don't know where to stop. This is why I love getting criticism.
Thank you for taking time to play my game!
I have only 4 reviews. I'll appreciate if you give it a look.
If you have time, I'll appreciate if you check out my game. I really want some feedback because almost no one would check it out.
If you have time, I'll appreciate if you check out my game. I really want some feedback because almost no one would check it out.
Thank you so much!
I'm pleased that you enjoyed it!
Yeah, I have a bad habit of making the levels pretty hard :P
About your suggestions. Yeah, I realised that the shooting is hard to aim, but I didn't have time to change it. The crystals, my bad. I playtested it so much that I thought it was hard enough.
And no, it's LWRP. The lighting is baked into the textures so it gives them the feeling of HDRP with low processing power.
"Don't underestimate the stupidity of the users" - a very wise man.
I tried the downloaded version but the visual glitches are still there. Idk, maybe my graphic card is fried after all.
Plus I can't find the skeleton. Is it in a dark shadow because I can't see anything in those.
Oh, and don't worry, I have a diploma in stupidity so I know how idiotic I can be sometimes.
This is a nice game but it's feel really unfinished.
The enemies can hit me even if they are facing the other direction and I can't hit them without getting hit back.
But I like that you have to do a minigame to rewind your "amo", although it can become tedious in the long run.
The art style, although unpolished, looks really nice.
That's a nicely done game. I'm a vaporwave connoisseur myself *tip neon wine glass and raise my rave wire hat*
But it's quite challenging. It could be better to make the obstacles less dense at the start. Seeing it's random anyway I don't think it would be that hard to implement if you wish to continue developing it.
Also maybe it would have been easier for the player to only use W,A,S,D for movement because it's disorienting having to use ctrl and space. Maybe space is more ok than ctrl, but I think wasd would be a better choice.
But don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game. You getting point for rewinding the platforms is a nice touch
I like the concept, but I don't know if it just me, but the game keeps on breaking on me.
I don't know where the invisible walls are and I keep on going in places I can't go back from.
The art style and sound are nice, but sometimes I have flickering effects. Also one time the main character talked. I don't know if it was intentional or if he should always talk. This feels odd to me.
Also I have no idea what to do after the campfire. Maybe it broke more than I thought. Or I'm just stupid. That can be a possibility.
But I do like the concept and I wish to properly play it. Hopefully it's just me that can't enjoy it.