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A member registered Nov 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry for these complications, I will change it as soon as the jam ends,  we were trying to submit the game and we were asuming that everyone will have the program already instaled, I't was nonsence to upload it in .RAR, I will try to not make this again, thanks for feedbac

Yes, we are sorry for the troubles, the idea of boxes and buttons was introduced by our designer 2 days before end, so it is a bit buggy, thanks for playing, we hope you enjoyed at least a bit


I thinked about 2 button controls, but I found it making bugs when interacting with 'factory', there was lot of bugs yet and I didn't want to make new ones (I hadn'tt lot of time since school, family etc.). Difficulty is big problem it was planed to be controled by @Vroubek, but he has got some isues and I can't make it on time, so we made it easier, its better to have easy but somehow playeble game than have hard unplayeble game

amazing masterpiece, sounds and grafics excelent. I know it was jam, but story mode is pretty short. I found missing something in movement, something like boost to speed it up a bit. Nightmare level is excelent. really good work

Thanks for positive feedback and yes it is easy game, We don't had lot of time to playtest, so we made it easier, it is better than having game than nobody can play because it's hard. 

Wheb I was testing it I haven't got this problems but my friends had something like this. I'?m sorry but it will probably be my wave spawner, it seams to be little bit buggy, thanks for playing and for feedback. I promise, I will try to make it better next time

We are sorry for any complications, but we haven't got chance to test it on Macintosh or Linux. It was our first export to these platforms so it will probably be unplayeble

Sorry, now it may work

Sorry to everyone, I missclicked and check some boxes, now it is for free, i think. If there be some issues, comment it

yes, something like that worked yesterday when I was exporting the final entry for jam

(1 edit)

nice try, but it didn't work as well, but thank you for help

Edit: when we were exporting final veraion, it somehow worked, thanks man

Hi, I'm trying to export our entry, but it doesn't export with .ico or other infromations. I have rcedit added to godot, I folowed tutorial on YT and official documentation too, but nothing is working as intended. Please help, where can be a problem?

Thanks for help

thanks for feedback, if you have some ideas how to make game better tell it to us we want to develop it a bit more and add some cool features and mechanics. And if you can tell about game some of your friend, this is our first game ever and we want some ideas or think to improve in next games thank for playing and i hope you enjoy

game is super fun but there can be more bug fixing, I dont know if it is mechanic or bug but after few dieing in one level enemyes are broken they're glitching and crashing , but great idea, good job

thanks for hint to other players how to run game. It is our first game ever and we don't exactly know how to export game, we make few mistakes and we hope it will be better next time. Thanks for feedback and we are sorry for some missing features we want to add it in next few weeks.

Yes we must comunicate online due to corona, so my friend forgot to send me file, and this file is needed foor running but jam doesn't allow us to upload files, so we made repaired version But it is our first game ever so we have lot of fun but lot of problems too. We want to add some new features. Have a fun.

We are sorry but we forgot to include pck file. There is newer version with pck file so there is link to repaired version.

We are sorry but we forgot for file so there is repaired version