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A member registered Sep 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Currently no. But it's definitely on the table for future content

(1 edit)

I'm happy you have enjoyed it so far. And don't worry about the black screens — I've been working on a remaster update for a few months now remastering a lot of the current content + new content, and fixing those black screens. I know they are annoying

Then I'm sure you'll like what I have in stock for the remaster <3

I'm super glad you've enjoyed it so far! I'll be giving special focus on the story and the deep world building I have, so you're in for a treat.

I can't wait to release the remaster. 

That's why it's the GOAT

Sure, you can get in the Discord server. I'm usually very active there, so we can discuss about it

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I appreciate the comment. Cibbon and I do in fact collaborate along with a few external assistants between both games. We trade some assets, work, feedback, and techniques between both games.

Cibbon even helped me with animating the remaster of Eris's HJ scene. You'll start to really see a more "active" collaboration in the near future.


Thank you so much for the comment. I'm really focused on making this game as great and enjoyable as I can for all of you. I hope you like what's coming next too. <3

Sadly I don't have any good way of adding Chinese language in the game, other than recurring to an MTL and its issues.

I plan on adding more languages to the game once it receives enough support, but there's currently no way for me to add Chinese language by myself alone.

I'm currently looking for minigames and puzzles that everyone can enjoy, whether they're into that kind of stuff or not. But there's nothing specific yet.

Yes, the remaster will cover the most recent content too, though it is mostly focused on the previous one. I'd suggest you to wait until the release if that's the case. It's a good remaster.

The previous version's save files (0.01) are not compatible with 0.02b, so the save file in the downloads is for skipping directly to the 0.02b content if you don't want to play the previous content.

Though I added/fixed and remaster some parts of the 0.01 version, so it might be worth to play nonetheless.

Sounds spicy~

You can find it on YouTube, it's called Cold Light by PeriTune

I'm very glad you like it


I'm glad you've been liking it so far. As I said: some characters are femdom *centered*, some aren't, and some of them dance on the line in between.

As for the next H-scenes: only time can tell, but you can certainly expect more Eris content <3 (Or the character you meant by "red")

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The game is focused (but not exclusively) around femdom. So yes; the MC gets, and will get pretty much dominated by some of the characters.

As for the grind matter: as you can see on the "Future content" section above, I'm planning on adding a sand-box mode where you can certainly accumulate some things like: affection/affinity points or currencies to buy stuff. It's subject to change, but you can check the 0.02b devlog for more detailed info <3



That means you have finished the content of the version 0.01/0.01b. More content will be added in a few days (look in the devlog for more information).

Truly glad you're liking it so far and I'll do my best to make this game get only better and better

Sure, pass me your Discord user.

Hi there, I'm still testing and experimenting a few formulas to make the scenes more dynamic and less static, I'll do my best to make the game more enjoyable as I work on it.

As for the lewd scenes, I'm planning to create both animated *and* static scenes, as I believe scenes focused more on the writing possess a charm of their own as well. But that also depends on how the game develops.

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback.

Wow, I didn't notice. Thank you so much.

I'm planning to leave it a few updates (maybe 3 or 4). After that, it will be gone for good and only the Discord role will remain for those who got it.

It is a subscription page, yes. But the post will be free to see, don't worry.

Don't worry, it's not annoying in the slightest. You're right; I'm relatively new to this so everything may not go as I would like it to go.

The next update should come April 1, but I'll make a more official and complete announcement here and in the SubscribeStar page in maybe a week or two regarding the info of the update and the future for the game. I think you would be interested.

Thank you again for the kind words, I really enjoy seeing you guys are liking it.

As for the music, the two songs you've mentioned are in a fictional language with Celtic atmosphere, so they likely don't mean anything in particular.

I've found better ways to avoid those dyslexic moments, so there shouldn't be as many as the first release (hooray), though there will be a channel focused on that in the Discord because I don't trust myself (not hooray).

I'm glad I made your day a little better,  I wish you a good week. Though I have a question: Just what easter egg could you be talking about?

I'm continuously trying to improve in every aspect I can, so I'm very glad you've enjoyed the game so far. I've been working on the Discord, but I don't think it's really worth opening just yet. I'll open it once the next version is ready, I think.

I'm sorry you've encountered so many spelling errors and what not. A few days ago a released an update to fix most of those errors, but I noticed there are some still hanging there.

Once the Discord is available, I will really appreciate the feedback and the comments.

I hope you enjoy what's coming next.

Features like that one will come in later in the game. Or if I see that people really want it, I can sped up the process.

It depends on you, after all.

I'm still exploring possibilities like that for the future of the game, I think it depends on the direction you guys want it to have.

As long as it does not interfere with the main plot/mechanics of the game, I don't see any problem

Fortunately, the mobile port will be available pretty soon. Expect it to be live in a few days.
Hope you enjoy it.

It looks like you can repeat the event of ¨borrow¨ the fish girl from the nexus indefinitely, and the Lady of the lake is still in the lake afterwrds the event. I like the idea of getting myself an aquatic harem, but i get the feeling that it shouldn't be happening. 

Im happy that finally the Lady of the lake has someone to be with.